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Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus - German Episode #1

First Broadcast in: 1971

Attempted Synopsis: A pretty female announcer gets abducted by scuba-divers; a (literally) running gag; artist Albrecht Durer gets a faux bio tribute; cows perform The Merchant of Venice; a Frenchman's lavatory habits are thoroughly examined; the Durer bio is resumed, with animations by Terry Gilliam; doctors perform Merchant of Venice; a hitchhiker gets a ride from a pedestrian; a very butch version of "Little Red Riding Hood"; an elaborate tent-pitching; the 27th Silly Olympiad; "I wanted to be a [German] lumberjack!"; the game show "Stake Your Claim"; a Bavarian restaurant honors some unusual traditions.

Review: This "Flying Circus" episode, filmed specially for German and Austrian television, is chock-full of great Python material, as evidenced by its subsequent gutting; "Stake Your Claim" ended up on one of their albums, while the "Silly Olympiad" and "Riding Hood" sketches were used as "links" for Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl. Their humor truly translates well.

Priceless Gag: The closing gag under the credits--a lot of trouble for a quick laugh, but funny just the same.

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