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Monty Python's Life of Brian


Contents: Introduction* / Three Wise Men / Brian Song / Sermon on the Mount (Big Nose) / Harry the Haggler / Stoning / Ex-Leper / Naughtius Maximus / Link* / Loretta / Short Link* / Romans Go Home / Missing Link* / Revolutionary Meeting / Very Good Link* / Ben / Audience with Pilate / Meanwhile* / The Prophets / Beard Salesman / Lobster Link* / Brian's Prophecy / Lobster Link II* / The Hermit / He's Not the Messiah / Sex Link* / He's a Very Naughty Boy / Lighter Link* / Pilate Sentences Brian / Nissus Wettus / Welease Woger / Nissus Wettus with the Jailers / Release Brian / Not So Bad / Reg Salutes Brian / Cheeky Is Released / Always Look on the Bright Side of Life / Closing*

(* denotes material not available in any other Python movies or TV episodes)

Review: After the lunatic heights of the Holy Grail soundtrack, this one was bound to be a letdown. It consists mostly of dialogue from the movie, linked together by Eric Idle and Graham Chapman as a couple of guys who are at a loss at how to do links (yuk, yuk). Though their "link" material isn't available on other Python sources, there's little here that really ought to be anyway (other than the "During the meanwhile" stuff that came at the end of the original album's Side 1).

Our rating:

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