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I'm a comic, what the hell are you?

Go back to when it all (horribly) started! Go back one strip You're actually checking out multiple comic strips? You could always click on the "Latest Comic" link at the top, but whatever floats your funky boat.
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Matlab Blows - 11/05/06
Time: Took me about 0.5 hours over a span of 1 day(s).
Inspiration:'s's the truth.
• No clue why I couldn't get the fake matlab text to look like the real matlab text. Oh well. Too lazy to investigate.

*The navigation "oval" uses JavaScript. Your internet browser must have JavaScript enabled. If the navigation oval below the comic strip doesn't work for you, try using the Archives page. If you're using a 56k (or slower) connection, try waiting for the entire page to load (so that the JavaScript finishes loading), however, this is only an issue for some browsers. It's not even an "issue" ...more like a tiny bug or small annoyance. Definitely no reason for uproar. Here, here.