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Random Thoughts

3.6.03 archives

This is too funny not to mention someplace, so I'll put it here for your reading pleasure. This is a daily occurance in my Math Logic class....

Prof: Does anyone know what [blah blah blah] means?
Student A: (correct answer)
Prof: What?
Student A: What?
Prof: What?
Student A: What?
Prof: What?
Student A: What?
Prof: What did you say?
Student A: (correct answer)
Prof: Why don't you say it so everyone can hear you?
Student A: (correct answer)
Prof: Hmm... That's interesting, but we should really look at this...

At this point, my professor usually goes into some fifteen minute proof, and ends up with the answer that Student A arrived at in the first minutes of lecture.


Picture of the Moment

Nerdcore Inc.
3.12.03 archives

Dang... Two new strips within three days of each other? I hope I don't overwhelm my audience out there :) But really, the new strip is up for Nerdcore and there's been a few changes to its appearance. First off, I'm trying out a new inking technique. So far, I kinda like it. Also, I switched over from a random layout to a preplanned layout. Overall, I hope that these two things give Nerdcore a more *professional* look.


Terranath: Bloodlines
2.9.03 archives

You guessed it. I got side tracked from working on this one, yet again. I really do want to work on this comic, but I also want to do it right. Therefore, I'm postponing most work on Bloodlines until I feel that my drawing skills are up to snuff. (Basically, I want to work on a different serious project until I figure out what my style is going to be. I don't want to switch styles in mid-comic.)


Version 2
2.9.03 archives

I received word the other day that The Wake is going to change from being a bi-weekly to a monthly periodical. The result?.... Only 3 more episodes of Version 2 this semester. I may start to work on strips without getting them published, or I may just start speding more time working on Nerdcore. Only time will tell.


Brogan Knight

I finally got around to doing a homepage for Brogan Knight, so go check it out. I'm still flushing out some of the story on this one, so I'm not sure how long its gonna be before I put a lot of (visible) effort into it. But rest assured, I only *look* like I'm dozing off in class. In reality, I'm pondering the finer details of the Brogan Knight story. ; )


Other News
3.10.03 archives

Next week, I'm gonna be on spring break. But lucky me, I don't have anywhere to go and my manager finally decided to cut back my hours (even though I'm available more next week, go figure). So what does that mean? I think it means that I've got a big surprise in store for all my loving fans out there. I'd say more, but I don't wanna spoil the surprise.... Or get myself stuck handling more than I can chew. Just keep checking back to see what happens.
