NAME: Cool Nerd EYEWEAR: A hip set of frames that says "I'm a nerd, but I'm cool too." CLOTHING: Loose, cool, and highly stylish (especially for a nerd). There's no pocket protecter in this nerd's pockets! QUOTE: "C'mon guys. Can't we at least try to look cool about this?!?" BIO: Cool nerd seems to have it all. He's hip, he's cool, and he's pretty darn smart. So what is the weakness of this nerdly-hero? Quite frankly, he's a nerd in the body of Mr. Cool. Things like that can cause years of traumatization. INTERESTING FACT: Cool Nerd was actually in the running for the leadership of Nerdcore Inc. The only thing stopping him was one simple test. While attempting the greatly feared "Asking a Girl out Test", Cool Nerd was rendered speechless by a particularly striking female. His lack of verbal response prevented her from realizing that he was a nerd in disguise. As it turned out, she ended up asking him out, thus disqualifying Cool Nerd from the leadership position (A nerd is forbidden from having a girl-friend, this being a symbol of an actual social life. But don't worry, Cool Nerd regained his composure a few minutes later, causing the girl realized the seriousness of her mistake. Nerdcore Inc. reinstated his nerd-status upon the ending of his short-term relationship)