![]() EYEWEAR: Nothing between you and those beautiful, lucious, deep eyes..... CLOTHING: Hot! (it's not even winter and she's wearing a hat and mittens. She's gotta be hot) QUOTE: "The Guy-Girl nerd ratio is like 20 to 1... Sounds like good odds to me" BIO: Ah yes, the legendary "She-nerd." They are often whispered about during nerdly gatherings, but they are very rarely seen. According to the legends, they are not only highly attractive, but they can rip apart a computer and put it back together before you can manage to say "How you doin'?" INTERESTING FACT: Girl Nerd wasn't actually invited into Nerdcore Inc. Everytime one of the members tried to invite her, they ended up tripping over their words so badly that they made *Grunt* look suave. Instead, Girl Nerd crashed the first meeting, where Glich finally asked her to join (apparently, little blue furballs are immune to her good looks).