NAME: *Grunt* EYEWEAR: Nobody is even sure if he has eyes... CLOTHING:Grungy, dirty, and torn... There's not much chance to change when you're deep in the bowels of a dungeon crawl. QUOTE: *grunt* BIO: Nobody is really sure where *Grunt* came from, although there are several popular beliefs. The most popular is that he was traumatized as child from playing way too much Dungeons and Dragons. But whatever happened to him, his social interactions have been cut back to basic grunting noises... INTERESTING FACT: *Grunt* has assumed the role of the muscle in Nerdcore Inc. (not that there was much competition). As such, he is in charge of dealing with bullies, toads, and evil super-villians bent on world domination. To accomplish this, he wields his impressive Club of Computer Repair +20 (trust us, if he uses it on your computer, you'll never have a problem with it again.... even if you can put it back together from all those little, itsy-bitsy pieces)