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NAME: Wierd Nerd

EYEWEAR: Eyewear is only for when you're not in "superhero mode." Everyone knows that glasses make the best disguise.

CLOTHING: True superhero attire.... actually, it's just an old sweater with a cape made from a blanket. No one is really sure about the cat ears he sometimes wears.

QUOTE: "Stop you evil cat-fiend!"

BIO: Wierd Nerd isn't a nerd in the basic sense of the word. Rather, the nerds are the only ones that really know what to make of him. You see, Wierd Nerd thinks that he's a superhero. He spends all day running around and "stopping crimes" (which more often than not consists of invading the fridge and stopping the "evil mold invasion")

INTERESTING FACT: Although he doesn't really know much of the nerdly ways, Wierd Nerd has shown been useful in the past. During the Great Nerd/Jock Wars, it was left to *Grunt* and Wierd Nerd to hold off the jocks while the other nerds high-tailed it out of town. Wierd Nerd ended up pretty beat up (he's definitly no *Grunt*), but something has to be said about his courage (those jocks are huge!)