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Next week, I'm gonna be on spring break. But lucky me, I don't have anywhere to go and my manager finally decided to cut back my hours (even though I'm available more next week, go figure). So what does that mean? I think it means that I've got a big surprise in store for all my loving fans out there. I'd say more, but I don't wanna spoil the surprise.... Or get myself stuck handling more than I can chew. Just keep checking back to see what happens.


Ok, I know this is getting old, but sorry for the recent lack of updates. I just got off of a six-day run at work and boy are my arms tired ::flapping motion:: But really, I was able to get some stuff done during last week, but I wasn't able to update the page. I should be able to get up a couple strips this weekend, because I was able to haggle my way into three days off (six days on, three days off..... it kinda balances out... I think)


OK, despite what it seems like, I haven't been slacking off too much lately. I just haven't had a whole lot of time to work on my comics (sorry Mom).

My manager at work seems to have already forgotten about my request to get my hours cut back and one of my professors seems to think that we enjoy filling out five pages of paper work for every ten minutes of actual work that we accomplish. But in spite of these things, I'm sticking to my original plan as best I can and getting myself a social life of some sort.


As I mentioned above, I am starting to play around with another idea for a comic, one that I would be willing to use as a test run for a serious comic. Right now the running name would be Brogan Knight. It features a warrior who can remember nothing of his past except for something very traumatic happened to him. That same event fractured his soul, allowing him to visualize the spirits of those around him. Sinners appear as abominations while innocent people appear as angels. The major cult of his world adopt him and and forge him into a kind of holy knight. With his special power, he is able to hunt down the worst sinners of the world and bring justice upon them.

In other news, I finaly requested that my hours get cut back at work (attending college and working 30 hours a week just do not mix). While I hope to reclaim whatever social life I once had, I also want to spend a little more time on my comics. So hopefully, I'll be able to start updating a little more frequently. ::cross fingers::
