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Snake Den - Version 2 - Story

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Episode 1: Rufie's Release The Wake Vol 1 #5

The scene opens with Servo cleaning up Dr. Evildoom's secret lab. While sweeping, Servo accidentally brushes up against a button labled "WARNING: Secret Weapon Release." The lights flash as a door opens, releasing..... Rufie?!? Servo takes this as quite the shock as he relizes just how many pay checks it will take to pay the good doctor back. The scene ends with Rufie asking Servo if he had seen a spare body anywhere.

Since this was my first strip, I was more focused on just getting published. In the end, I really wish I had tried to come up with a better punchline. But for that, I fell back on plan B.

Episode 2a: Plan B The Wake Vol 1 #6

Still brooding over the lack of a punchline from the first strip, Rufie and Servo attempt to redeem themselves by doing the scene over. After Rufie is released from his testing chamber, Servo exlaims "Sweet mother of mercy, what have I done?!?" To this, Rufie replies "Lo siento senor, pero no hablo espanol." A few hours later, the two are still looking through their contract, trying to find a way out of the horrible attempts at humor.

I still couldn't think of a punchline for this one, so I figured I'd poke fun at how lame the first strip was by making the second one even worse. I figured that if I was in that situation, I'd also be trying to find a loophole in my contract

Episode 2b: Rufie Makes a Friend The Wake Vol 1 #6

While wandering about Dr. Evildoom's lab, Rufie stumbles across a fish tank. Inside is none other than Angry Fish, an attempt on Evildoom's part to create the supreme fish warrior (Angry Fish is a lung fish and can breath outside of the water. In addition, he's got a really nasty temper). Rufie feels a deep connection with the little guy and decides to set Angry Fish free. The scene ends with Rufie dragging one freaked out Angry Fish behind him.

I came up with Angry Fish like 24 hours before my deadline for submission, but I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do with the strip already. I think that it turned out pretty good, despite yet another lack of a punch line.... ah well.

Episode 3: Dr. Evildooms Plan for Recapture The Wake Vol 1 #7

Dr. Evildoom is tired of Rufie wandering about the lab unattended, so the good doctor unleashes his plan to recapture the unsusupecting head (Rufie that is). While Rufie is innocently gazing at a flower, another of Evildoom's creation, named Diode, sneaks up behind him. After a "shocking" introduction, Rufie decides to throw down the gloves in an all out brawl. Chaos ensues... well, at least chaotic backgrounds. Unfortunatly, the semester ended before any conclusion could be reached. Therefore, the battle will be continued at a later date.

I decided just to give up on the punch line deals and focus more on a really wierd story. I'm hoping that all the wierd characters will be enough to entertain my audience (assuming that I have one). Only next semester will show what the future will bring.

Episode 4: The Battle Continued The Wake (yet to be published>

Having been unable to resolve their differences during the course of winter break, Rufie and Diode pick up right where they left off. Diode lets it slip that Rufie is something of an important item, but before the viewer can learn anything else, Rufie sicks Angry Fish on Diode. Angry Fish leaps into the fray and takes out Diode in a matter of moments. The scene ends with Rufie commenting how he hopes he never gets on Angry Fish's bad side.

Ah, back for yet another semester of wierdness. I was pretty happy with how this one turned out, visually at least. I like this strip better now that I'm focusing more on a continuing story line and avoiding punchlines.... mostly because I can't seem to come up with any.