South Park Is Superior To All This is totally dedicated to South Park.
The greatest show ever. Please take a look around and look at all my pages about various characters that appear on this show. This page is also dedicated to remembering the hilarious outtakes of all the new episodes premiering Wednesday nights at 10pm on Comedy Central.
The Taco that craps ice-cream from the second episode of invaders. This episode was a semi-remake from the original first ever South Park episode when aliens gave Cartman an anal probe. The new season is currently airing and there have been some new episodes that will be known as some true classics. For example, the episode that aired Wednesday, April 21 was about Michael Jackson, it was truly a classic that all must see for a good laugh. But possibly one of the best South Park experiences i have ever seen is the South Park movie. It is partly a musical and it is hilarious to see the boys singing. Although the movie won't win any Oscars, it is a must see for all fans of the show. Please look at my other pages that are dedicated to the most known members of South Park.