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STC # 80

Sonic the Hedgehog in Running wild!

Script: Nigel KithingMbr> Art: Richard Elson
Lettering: Elle De'ville
part one
Sonic is visting his friend Porker on Angel Island where knuckles has alowd the Green Hill foke to live untill Robotnicks rane is over. He and Porker diseid to see if knuckles is in the Emraled chamber only to find out he not.
Porker then tells Sonic about a fight with a robot and Doctor Zachary, Sonic then tells Porker the reson why he up there and that not to see knuckles but him, he sits on the side of the wall there the Emralds are hanging and then the convasashon then go to Amy Sonic tells porker that she Diaves him up the wall.

A robotic voise is herrd and Sonic falles backword in the the beem there the Emrals are Porkre runs and hides whill thelling the bot head to keep quit Super Sonic amugest form the beem talking to himself the then think of a Name that he will destroy that name beeing Amy Rose and he leves the Emrad chamber with a suddon crash though the wall, and a ship of troopers that was hundreds of miles awayblowing the thing up.

at the same time Super whet thought the ship Amy was teaching Tails how the use the cross bow when Johnny jumps out of the caravan and try to tell her about super Sonic, but He was to late to Amy he wasent talking sense
Super Sonic had just araved and was headding strat for her with the words "AMY ROSE, PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOM!"

Next issue Amy v's Super Sonic

Chaotix Crew The Fundamental Four

Script: Nigel Kithing and Nigel Dobbyn
Art: Nigel Dobbyn
Colouring: Steve Whige
Lettering: Eltta Fell
part one

With in Special Zome in the HQ of the Chaotix Crew (which at the min is a astarod) Charmy is attamting to sing with is getting on everyone noves os Vector kick him out Charmy then fly off in a huff, as the other three relax Esgo hears something out side and things it charmy a grat big rock Hand come thogh the wall the tree remaing chotix look shored at 4 cariter come though the wall like the elaments, Mighty say there name wich are "Hydran, Gravel, Squall and Flarm The Fundamental Four." The three member of chaotix are takend down.

Chamy is sitting on a small flotting rock looking at a planit talking to himself he disides to go back to see a rocket sitting on the rock called home he looked in a window the find the other going to be "liquidse" in a funny mashen but the Fundamental Four what to know where Charmy is. Charmy know he camt take down the Fundamental Four on his on and plans to go get help back at the Hive

Next issue Chamy's Barmy Army.

Tails Fleabyte Returns

Script: Lew Stiner
Art: Rob Corona Colouring: Gina Hart
Lettering: Eltta Fall

Tails is on his way to Metropolis Zone, he takes a short cut through Casino Night zone when two peolpe call out for help, Tails see them being chased by a Trooper, Tails smashed the head of the trooper off. one of the people asks for Tails help with Brutus' Troopers.

Fleabyte turn up and capches Tails in a net, Troopers arove on seen and take Tails and Fleabyte to a cell Tails commetes on "Trapped in a cell with a Mangy Moggy! I do't know what's worse, waiting for execution or worndering if I'll cach your Fleas!" Fleabyte tells Tails that his fleas are Sensitive. Tails Then Tells Fleabyte that they have to work together and would he pick the lock of the cell.

Fleabyte pick the lock and kicks the door open. Tails take down the Trooper on jutey with one good kick. Fleabyte has three troopers after him, Tails picks up a buckit off Syrup and poors it infrunt of the troopersthe troopers skidded in to a slot mashen as Tails pulls Fleabyte out the way the three troopers crash and fry.

Fleabyte thanks Tails and try to cashe him in the net again, Tails know it was coming and ran out of the way picked up the net and tide Fleabyte in it and hung him up on a lamp post
Tails is Tanked by the Citizans and ask if he would Stay and protect,.
Tails hasatast and the destades to stay a few days.

Sonic's World Revolution

Script: Lew Stringer
Art: Nigel Kitching
Colouring: John M Burns
Lettering: Tom Frame
Part 2

A battle pasese between Brutus ans robotniks badniks, Citazens are calling for Sonic!
Sonic has just awoke for the encounter with Brutus, Standing up Sonic Spots something heading his way he calles it a badnik only to find out it Shortfise the Cybernik.
the two Frienad talk about thing that are going on Sonic tell Sortfuse that Amy and Johnny where kidnapped by Brutus.
There go to Find there firiends. Inside the Citadel Robotnik Grimer ask how Robotnik can be so carm when his badniks are losing Ronotnik tells him to stop snivelling and that he has way to deal with Brutus, the wall expoades and brutus come in, Robotnik remands brutus who he got the brain patton of (him) and then say that that there a self deestruct inplant in Brutus's brain and clicks the botton to actavate it.
nothing works and he try 3 more times, Brutus tells Robotnit that he found the inplant and de-activated it weeks back, and order the troopers to Kill robotnik.

Sonic and Shorfust arove on seen by a window, and starts smashing the troopers, Shortfuse is fase it fase with brutse and tells him that the Armour is made of Megatal, the srongest metal on Mobius! Brutus tell him as he whams Shortfuse in to the floor that his is too.

Brutus thretonse Sonic if he attacks him then he never see his friends again Sonic whants to see Johnny and Amy so Brutus tell the ship the send down the new recruits.
Brutus ponits out side to two badniks "Amy and Johnny are now BADNIKS" Sonic in angger yell Noooo as the Amy Matal comets on "DESSTROYY SSONICC!"

Next issue: Friend or For?