<html> <body> <center> When I was writing my book, Fear and Bullets, I drew</center> <center>a picture to put at the beginning of each chapter.</center> <center> I decided to post a few here just to show that while</center> <center> I may not be the world's greatest artist, I am capable</center> <center> of more than the stick figures (STYLIZED stick figures)</center> <center> I use in Suicide Pose.</center> <hr> <center><h2>Chapter One: Damnation</h2></center> <center><IMG SRC="Logan1jpeg.jpg"></center> <center><i>"I just want to destroy everything!"</i></center> <center><i>-Johnny Rotten <hr> <center><h2>Chapter Three: Ubermensch</h2></center> <center><IMG SRC="Logan2jpeg.jpg"></center> <center><i>"Never fear. Fear is for the enemy.</i></center> <center><i>Fear and bullets."</i></center> <center><i>-J. O'Barr <hr> <center><h2>Chapter Six: Son of the Morning</h2></center> <center><IMG SRC="Logan3jpeg.jpg"></center> <center><i>"Walk the road of vanity's shame.."</i></center> <center><i>-Eh.. Me <hr> <center><h2>Chapter Eight: Hunt the Devil</h2></center> <center><IMG SRC="Logan4jpeg.jpg"></center> <center><i>"He screams and screams and pounds</i></center> <center><i>his head against the wall..</i></center> <center><i>..pain, pain is all he wants..</i></center> <center><i>..he will never forget and never,</i></center> <center><i>ever forgive.</i></center> <hr> <center><A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/comics/suicidepose">Back to the Archive</A></center> </body> </html>