You know you're a Sonic fan when. . . . You don't think you should go anywhere under 100 m.p.h. You do. You have over five speeding tickets because of it. You built a pair of shoulder-mounted helecopter roters. They work. You would only dress up as Sonic, Tails or Knuckles for Halloween. Your e-mail address has something to do with Sonic. You have made a Sonic webpage. (No comment :-)) You own every Sonic game there is, even if you don't have the game systems. You build custom robots and put your pets in them. You have written a fanfic. You buy a model bi-plane, paint it red and put your Sonic figures in the cockpit. Your heart races at the mention of Sonic R. (Or Extreme, or World. ;-) Every composition in school that allows you to choose your own subject you do about the Sonic characters. You have a spiked haircut. You buy a pair of boxing gloves, stick metal spikes through the knuckles and go rock climbing. Your sisters go by the names Sally and Amy. You call your older brother Metal Sonic. You have a full-sized Master Emerald in your bedroom. It really glows. You made a shell to go over your shoes--painted red with a white stripe. On alternate days you wear your hair in dreadlocks, or wear a gigantic red mustache. You have spent an entire Saturday playing Sonic 3 and Knuckles because you just HAD to see Hyper Sonic. You own all the PC emulations. You think the comics stink because you could write a better one anytime. You do. People really like them. You know all the characters's life stories. Everything is 'way past cool'. You have made a complete map of Mobius and based a fanfic on it. You practice Knuckles's gliding technique underwater. You can't hear the word 'hedgehog' without thinking 'Sonic'. You wish you had a fox that would follow you around. So you settle with a cat. Your Windows desktop theme is Sonic. You have the Sonic screensaver. You can draw Sonic better than the original artists. You think the comics should include your own characters. You sit in front of your computer all day reading Sonic fan fiction. Chili dogs become a part of your daily diet. When you go to the mall, you run to the pet store first to see if they have a hedgehog.. You start calling your computer Nicole. You set your alarm clock to go off when Sonic the hedgehog comes on. You have sonic the hedgehog dice hanging on the rear view mirror in your car. You dress your cat in miniature running shoes and paint him blue.( I would never really paint my cat but I have dressed him in shoes) You wake up in the morning thinking you can make it to work in 5 minutes and you live 20 miles away. You think you can run with your tread mill on the fastest setting!! (and end up in the wall behind you instead). You go out in public dressed all in blue thinking you're really cool. (but instead everyone shouts: "Hey, look at the Smurf!!) You go and blow your whole pay check on Sonic the hedgehog memorabilia. think to your self, hey if Sonic the Hedgehog can walk around naked so can I!! ( Then you find out you're really not dreaming)!! You attempt to spin before running in one place and fall flat on your face. You know you're a Sonic fan when you go to Wal-Mart and a clerk asks you if you want to see someone and you say "Yes,I'd like to see Sonic,Tails and Knuckles." You know you're a Sonic fan when you go to a movie store and hope Adventures of Sonic the Hdgehog,Sonic Underground,The Sat AM Sonic show or Sonic Anime is on one of the TV's there. You know you're a Sonic fan when you find seven different colored rocks and you carve them and say they're Chaos Emeralds. You know you're a Sonic fan when you call all the crocodiles you see Vector. You know you're a Sonic fan when you call your two friends Knuckles and Tails and you call yourself Sonic. You know you're a Sonic fan when you think you can melt snow by running in place. It works. You know you're a Sonic fan when you look at an egg and can't stop thinking of Eggman. You know you're a Sonic fan when you try to eat a Chili-Dog in a split second. You do. You end up hurting yourself and having to have someone hit you on the back. You know you're a Sonic fan when you think that you can become a super form using a bunch of dumb glass you shaped to look like the Chaos Emeralds. You know you're a Sonic fan when you think you can outrun a speeding train. You try. You fail. You try again. You succeed. You know you're a Sonic fan when you think you can curl up and do a spin-dash. You can but you hurt your back. |