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So, you want to know who the great and almighty Suteki Yume are? Or maybe what we are? Or why we even came into existence? Well, I’m here to take care of all those!


What are we? Good question! Me’n my best bud came together to form Suteki Yume, a group that creates manga more for entertainment. We still haven’t considered costs of things yet...oh well. When I say “manga group” I don’t mean a big organization with printers and inkers and toners and all that. I mean just the two of us. We don’t have much of a sense of organization either. Although I DID buy one of those separated filing folder things for our drawings! It’s so cool! But our drawings are just on random pieces of paper, ideas scribbled down in Suki-chan’s old school notebook that she didn’t completely use. Some papers are at her house, while others are at mine. But hey, what Real group is organized?? Not ours, and that’s okay! Because we are the Mighty Manga Duo! We’ll take on the world with our cute stories and awesome drawings!! Wha ha ha ha haaa!!


SY consists of a great many number of people. I mean, it’s crazy. Hundreds of thousands of millions? Maybe if you count our personalities. But there are...two members! Yay for us! Two not a big number, you say? You try working with someone who doesn’t go to the same school as you and both have busy schedules. The two of us work hard to put together the bestest manga ever created! We work more for funny cuteness. None of that mecha stuff, or super bloody goriness (despite how much Satsuki loves fight scenes, I refuse to take the precious time to draw them. Maybe if I feel inspired or it’s a one time fight scene...). Perhaps I should first introduce ourselves! There’s me, Sakura, the awesome webmistress of this site! And then there’s Satsuki, who helps with ideas and stuff. If you want the lowdown on who we are, click our respective links!


Lets see, I think we first thought of the idea in...August of 2001. Early August or late July, I forget which. That answer your question? Good!

Suki-chan and I have been buds for a few years now. Quite a few years. I’d say about since fourth grade or so (being that we’re in 11th grade as of 02-03, that’s...7 years?). After a while we both got into drawing anime and stuff like that (even though we both, literally, sucked at it). She’s my only real otaku friend!! I don’t even bother trying to convert my other friends, seeing as that it took them a while to learn how to pronounce anime correctly.

Anyways, whenever we had sleepovers and stuff we’d almost always draw at least some point in the night. We had come up with a bunch of different story ideas along the years, but never really did anything with them. Except for maybe character layouts and a basic outline of the story. Then suddenly, while floating in Suki-chan’s pool on a hot August afternoon, she told me this awesome idea she had for a story a few days ago. Or maybe weeks. I forget, but she came up with a story! She already had the main characters laid out, and a basic outline of the story, or at least what it’d be about. Thus, Fanatic, a.k.a. Korikatamari, was born!! What’s Korikatamari, you ask? Well you’ll just have to check that out in our series section, now won’t you?


Interesting title we gave ourselves, isn’t it? Have you ever thought how Clamp named themselves? Maybe their names aren’t their real names?? Maybe Sakura and Satsuki aren’t our real names either. The mystery only grows. Well, we had a previous name for our group. And while watching Road Rules one day, Suki-chan found out what the word meant and we promptly decided to change the title. Thus, Suteki Yume! Which means Beautiful Dream. And Suki-chan claimed she just had to create a cute character to go with the cute name, so you’ll see a little fox-like thing popping up randomly in places. And here we are! An internationally-known manga group! Well...not yet. But soon! just watch...


Why? What kind of question is THAT? Ah well, I’ll still answer it. Ever since we started manga and really became good friends, we’ve always wanted to do our own manga group. We figured if four girls of Clamp could make such awesome manga that turned into awesome animes with awesome soundtracks, why couldn’t two girls of SY do it? So, once we got the right story and motivation, our dream came into realization! And you know why it’s going to stay alive? Because I didn’t make this site for nothing!!

Please take me away...