// manga

Takeshi is very different from the anime in the manga Dengeki Pikachuu (The Electric Tale of Pikachu series). He is very older (about the age of a grown man), and has the physique of one. Very muscular and strongly built. His garb is even different; wearing wifebeaters of camouflaged origin and the usual vest with an imprinted long-sleeve shirt under it. His chasing girls and silly faces are familiar, but his speeches are more refined and mature. Those not focused on women anyway. He still continues the quest of becoming a breeder. Also, different actions are taken in the manga. When Takeshi leaves Kasumi and Satoshi to go to the Orange League, Kenji (Tracy) does not join up with the duo and it is just them alone (doing what? ;D); Takeshi and Kasumi also enter in the Indigo League with Satoshi and lose (pictures of this can be seen in the gallery).Satoshi first meets Takeshi by challenging him for the Greybadge at the Nibi City gym. Takeshi battles him with Iwaku (Onix), and two Ishitsubute (Geodude) and Satoshi retaliates with Pikachuu, Caterpie (Kyatapii) and Fearow (Oniduriru) in a 3 vs. 3 match. Mysteriously winning, Satoshi takes the badge. But, later -- Takeshi runs into Satoshi again. Both heading for Natsume's (Sabrina's)gym. In the manga, Takeshi and Natsume are childhood friends. So Takeshi decides to join Satoshi on his pilgrimage. One of his Ishitsubute even evolve into Goron (Graveler) then into Gorona (Golem).In the Pocket Monsters Special, Red (or Satoshi in the video game) is once again traveling to become a pokémon master. He meets Pikachuu under ill circumstances in this manga. Pikachuu is in a town causing commotion under the floorboards of a house, and shocking everything it sees with electricity. Red captures Pikachuu against its will and they have some problems becoming true companions. When going to the Nibi City gym. Red encounters a spike haired, scrawny boy, who is shirtless. He was the gymleader, and of course, it was none other than Takeshi.His arsenal included Iwaku, Ishitsubute and Goron. Takeshi finally thought he had a true trainer to battle with, but instead he had a boy who's Pikachuu despised him. Very upset, Takeshi yelled with anger at the duo. As the battle intensified, Pikachuu started to see Red's true ambitions and decided to assist him; which made him win. Takeshi is never seen in this manga, and is just in one of the many gym battles. This manga resembles the game being based totally on it.

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