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6/19/2003 The time is now 11:55 PM. But the strip is up. More latter. 6/20/2003 Well there were many complications that caused this strip not to go up till 11:55. One was Joe's Stage Combat Class, two was my grand vision of things, and three was Steve bothering the Hell out of us. Steve was so woried that Ted beat him at Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth 3 times in a row. Well hopefully this is our last slip up for awhile. Should probly point out that this strip updates Tusedays and Thursdays. And there will be special Art pics by me or Joe on Saturday or Sunday (Depending on how we feel). Oh and vote if you like the stip, vote on all three. All that said Fuck Armada - Standly "The Not So Epic" Strick of |