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The NPA Clup

Welcome to the Quotes Page

Here are some weird quotes for you:

Eliminate stress by doing things that require eliminating stress and mob psychology.

Evil witches named Miss Lewis try and torture nice and smart students by giving SAT words and grammar worksheets.

When your name's up in lights, you are either really wanted to be shot or you're just famous.

There are only 2 uses for turkey: To be eaten on Thanksgiving or to hit your evil teacher.

If you have feathers, you're either a bird,chicken, or you've been tarred badly with feathers.

Remember your name everyday, and it shall stay the same.

Racecar is racecaR backwards.

Socks are only dirty after they haven't been washed for 4 weeks.

Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. Unless of course you have a digital game where you use words to knock people out.

If you run around screaming, people might actually stare at you and scream with you.

Cheese only runs away from you only because you have problems.

If someone falls off a cliff, then you might hear some screaming.

Street dancers only get mad when they go mad.

If you want a cookie, then go buy one.