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The Shadow's Agents...

Throughout The Shadow's war on crime, he employed a small, but efficient, network of agents. Functioning like a spy cell, these agents remained inactive- their lives were their own and they were free to enjoy whatever social life they may have. The only stipulation was that they NEVER discuss or mention the work they did for The Shadow. It is not known how The Shadow would've dealt with such transgressions- he may just have delved into the agent's mind and wiped out all knowledge of their work and life as The Shadow's agent with his hypnotic prowess. At any rate, it really doesn't matter: NO ONE defied The Shadow. Each man or woman was picked by The Shadow for whatever skills the potential agent possessed, and each member of the organization was paid for such skills and never asked to do anything outside of his or her field of expertise. To the agents, The Shadow never gave any kind of friendship or comradery, just fierce loyalty... of all the agents he employed for his campaign, only one died. There was an unspoken agreement between The Shadow and his operatives: they would be protected by The Shadow to the best of his abilities, and The Shadow's word was good. The agents listed below are from his pulp heyday. On radio, only Margo Lane appeared as an assistant. In the 1980's DC comic series, The Shadow had a new network of agents plus the surviving members of his old group; they will not be mentioned here as this site is dedicated to The Shadow's glorious pulp reign. Remember, this represents a PORTION of The Shadow's agents, and I used the terrific book "Gangland's Doom" by Frank Eisgruber Jr. as a blueprint for this list. The first group is the most active agents, the second group saw slightly less action than the first(but is still just as important to the war against crime), and the third is acquaintances who are not officially agents, but who played important parts nonetheless. It is hinted at several times that he had agents all over the world. One wonders just how big his operation was...

The Shadow's Most Active Agents...

The Second Tier of Agents...

Outside of the Agents...