04-05-04 good news for our very limited fan base...the sunday team is back in action! its been a while since anything new has happened around here. all the old comics have been put on hold for a while (but will be finished and surface in the not-too-distant future). in the mean time some new comics are in the works including one featuring the long awaited arrival of Waller. we just heard that our pin supplier is back in action and there should be some new designs pretty soon. check back soon for more updates. -ctr 12-20-03 we're currently working on a short christmas comic (which will hopefully be finished and up on the site by the end of december). for some reason the new comic featuring waller (the one we've been working on since september) still isn't done. its just about finished and will be up on the site soon. keep the feedback coming, your ideas and input will help make this place better for everyone. -ctr 10-25-03 well, it might not be a new comic, but its the best i could do for now. i'm talking about the new gallery of assorted sunday team related images i added. i also included a couple pics of the sunday team in halloween costumes which you can expect to see in inboxes everywhere within the next week. i'd also like to mention that these halloween pics of the team were my first (hopefully of many) drawings of the sunday team. hopefully they will hold you over til i can get Kid back to drawing the new comic. -ctr 10-12-03 as many of you have noticed by now, nothing much has been happening around here. we're still drawing the new comic (although not so much as of late). the sad fact of the matter is that we've just been busy with other things and haven't spent any time doing work on the site. you can expect to see some changes around here pretty soon. -ctr 09-13-03 we're currently in the drawing stages of a brand new comic featuring waller. two new character profiles have just been put up. -ctr 09-12-03 Our news section is now up. check back here regularly for info about the site, comics, characters, and much more. -ctr