Name: James Wizen (But just prefers Wizard)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Human
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 200lbs
Build: Broad but round shoulders, slightly more stout than average.
Hair Color(s): Black, fading to dark brown around the edges.
Eye Color(s): blue
Clothing: Full length, western style, blood red trench coat. And matching cowboy hat.
Accessories: Gold ring with an inset emerald on the right hand. Also carries a bastard sword.
Abilities/Skills & Power Level: Excells at potions, pyrotechnics, and a few specialized fire spells. Has very little skill in most other forms of magic. Average skill with the sword. Also picked up the ability to juggle somewhere along his travels.
Special Effects (if any): The plethora of things contained within his trenchcoat lead many to believe it is bottomless. That's a mistake. It just has a lot of freakin' pockets. Ordinarily calm and collected, he tends to get a little excited when it comes to fire and explosions. Also holds the belief that everyone should be treated as equals. This belief has left him ignorant of the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) advances of the opposite gender. This ignorance has actually helped him on several occasions by making him immune to all but the most powerful of women's wiles.

Recent graduate (barely) from Waterloo Wizardry. Excerpt from the Dean's notes: James proved, on several occasions, to be a very competent young man, but often times lacked the enthusiasm in his other classes that he showed for "blowing [stuff] up."
He left his home and parents behind after graduating, and began travelling, paying his way with juggling acts and fireworks displays.

Picture by Heromachine

Name: Ostaf Drawkcab
Age: 38 (A youngin, eh?)
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Half-Elf, half-human
Height: 5 foot nothing
Weight: 125lbs
Build: Slightly on the lithe side.
Hair Color(s): Dust brown
Eye Color(s): Green
Clothing: Pair of pants, worn ragged by travel. An open, sleeveless vest reveals a short sleeved undershirt. Wears a grey headband.
Accessories: Weilds the BUTTER KNIFE OF DEATH! His belt contains his assortment of tools, lock picks, and the like.
Abilities/Skills & Power Level: Pick lock, pick pocket, sense traps, disarm traps, set traps, detect secrets. Is also proficient with a rapier, though rarely has cause to carry one.
Special Effects (if any): Rolled a perfect 20 in agility. Also considers himself quite the ladies man (read: lousy pickup lines) Has the uncanny ability to tousle his hair, hide his ears, and look like a teenage human.

Ostaf had a human mother, an elvin father. Orphaned by prejudice (read: parents killed by angry mod. But he's not bitter), Ostaf was taken in by a wise old man who had had no children of his own. The old man just happened to also be one of the senior members of the theives guild. The old man taught him the ways of the theif; How to pick your target, avoid capture, never to take more than what was needed, and above all else, how to pick up women (which explains why the old man never had any kids)
Because of his diminutive size, he's been more successful than his peers in various aspects of the trade.
To avoid the prejudice his parents felt, he usually keeps the tips of his ears tucked under his headband. In this guise, he looks very much like a teenage human.
The old man that raised him like a son died nearly 20 years. Suspicions as to why he hasn't seemed to age in all this time caused him to move on. A fond farewell was held with his friends and extended family, those that accepted him for his mixed heritage.
In his travels, he quickly learned that prejudice swings both ways, as his first run in with the elf community ended nearly as badly as with the humans. As such, he general travels in his human teen guise. Everyone seems willing to help a kid in trouble, and those that don't often find themselves in trouble.

Picture by Heromachine
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