in Progress |
This is my brand spankin' new "Betta Changing/Bagging Station". I got it at Ikea, it is supposed to be a Garden thingie. I just changed bowls and stuff on it tonight and it worked out GREAT!
I couldn't decide which of these two pics (one w/ flash, one without) to pick so I put them both on here. These are just to the right of my betta changing station. This shelf w/ storage below and above holds two 5 gallon spawning tanks and various bowls. If you look in the spawning tank on the right you can see a male in there blowing his nest and a female in a jar within the tank. Just to the right of the shelf above is this small table and my gorilla rack. Right now the table has about 14-16 bettas, most of which are green pastel fry. But also some of my fish from Cindy and other new ones are being housed here. I have that front bowl on the right "carded" w/ newspaper because I am coniditoning that female. The Gorilla rack right now has various adults, along with most of my blue pastel fry. The rubbermaid container has killifish fry in it. Below is an empty 5 gallon. Where the table w/ the green pastel fry is, is where my Betta Barracks Drip System is going to go once it is completed. Damn, I am messy! Over here is various animals. An 18 gal community tank (which really needs to be cleaned) is on top with my hermit crabs below. On the desk is my Ball python and a 5 gallon planted minibow with nothing in it. And mess mess mess. (Not pictured to the right of the desk is my two frog tanks).
I can't believe I am putthing this MESSY picture in here. You can see my 40 gallon tub of water up front. I fill that up, add water conditoner and salt, let it sit for a day with the bubbler constnatly running and I use that to change betta bowls. My wretchedly dirty sink behind it and the second (thank god) bathroom through the door. |