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Matt Murdock

F) In40
A) In40
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ty6
I) Mn75
P) Gd10

Health: 110 Karma: 91
Resources: Gd Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Enhanced Senses: Mn Taste, Touch, Smelling and Hearing, Overloading these senses reduces his Intuition by 1cs. Any FEAT against specific attacks are -2cs.
-Lie Detector: Am, by listening to their heartbeat, Murdock uses his enhanced hearing in a power stunt to determine if someone is lying.
-Tracking:, Mn, He can also track by a specific odor or heartbeat.
Radar Sense: Has developed an omnidirectional sense that operates as primitive radar. He can "see" 3-D images up to 3 areas away regardless of light conditions. Rapid movements and chaotic conditions reduce the power and Intuition by -2cs. Daredevil cannot be blindsided.
Stealth: In

Billy Club: In material, wields or throws for Ex blunt damage.
-Ricochet: With a successful Agility FEAT, Daredevil can ricochet his Billy Club off a number of hard surfaces and back to him.
-Swing Line:It shoots a line that lets him swing at 3 areas/round.
Costume: Gd protection vs Physical.

Blind: Murdock is blind and is unaffected by Light-based Attacks, Illusions and Hypnosis.

Talents: Acrobatics, Martial Arts A, B, E, Weapon Specialist (Billy Club), Law, Intimidation

Contacts: Foggy Nelson, Elektra Natchios

Matt Murdock


Blinded in his youth, but somehow secretly gifted with enhanced non-visual senses, Matthew Murdock also lost his father, murdered for refusing to go along with a fixed fight. At university, Matt dated Elektra Natchios, whose friend Mel was raped. When the rapist, Trey, went free because of his father's connections. Elektra threatened Trey and he hired thugs to burn down her father's business. Matt forced the thugs to confess, implicating Trey; but Trey went free again and attacked Mel. Elektra trapped him, but Matt intervened. Matt removed his mask to show that he trusted her, but Elektra told him it was too late. She cut Trey's femoral artery and gave Matt a choice; save Trey from bleeding to death, or go with her, Matt chose the former.

Matt and his friend, Foggy Nelson, interned at the firm of Summers and Lyall, where gunmen tried to kill Cullen, a mob bookkeeper turning States' evidence. Matt switched off the lights and easily overcame them. Later, he learned that Cullen worked for Leander Natchios, cousin of Elektra's father Dimitrius, who was an unwill part of Leander's money laundering schemes. When Dimitrius was wrongly arrest for Cullen's murder, Matt worked with Elektra to learn the true killer was assassin Benjamin Poindexter, who had been sent by the Kingpin. Poindexter's next targeted William Savage, Cullen's attorney, who had been blackmailing the Kingpin with a copy of Cullen's ledger. Matt and Elektra drove Poindexter off, but not before he killed Savage; however, he left behind the ledger. Elektra sucker-punched Matt and traded the ledger to the Kingpin for her father's freedom. Matt later confronted her with information showing that her father would have been cleared anyway.

Matt formed a law partnership with Foggy in Hell's Kitchen and protected the area as the costumed Daredevil, encountering Spider-Man while pursuing the killer vigilante known as the Punisher. Daredevil dismissed Spider-Man as too immature to be a crime-fighter. Months later, Daredevil reluctantly teamed with Wolverine and Spider-Man to protect Hell's Kitchen from rogue Weapon X agents. As a lawyer, Matt Murdock recently defended Bruce Banner in court for his actions as the Hulk.