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Death Adder

Death Adder

F) Rm30
A) In40
S) Rm30
E) Gd10
R) Ty6
I) Gd10
P) Ty6

Health: 110 Karma: 22
Resources: Gd Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Body Armor:
Tail: Death Adder possesses a four-foot tail which she can inflict In Edge with a single blow
Poisoned Fangs: Death Adder’s fangs contain an In intensity Poison. Her bite inflicts Ex Edge, injecting the poison. The victim has to make an Endurance FEAT vs. In poisoning. Those failing the roll fall unconscious, losing one Endurance rank per round until dead. An Endurance FEAT roll (at the reduced rank) can be made each round until the victim was dead. Death Adder keeps the antidote to the poison in her belt.
Serpentine Fingers: Death Adder can transform her fingers into serpents, allowing her to grapple with Am Strength


Talents: Acrobatics, Tumbling

Contacts: Serpent Squad