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Elektra Natchios

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) In40
P) Rm30

Health: 120 Karma: 80
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Martial Arts: Elektra was a master at Martial Arts, and could Stun and Slam opponents of greater Endurance than her Strength.
Stealth: Rm

Sais: Am material, Rm Edge
-Throw with In Agility up to 2 areas away
Shurikens: In material, Ex Thrown Edge

Talents: Weapons Master (Edged Weapons & Thrown), Ninja, Stealth, Martial Arts A, C, D

Contacts: Unknown


Elektra Natchios began studying martial arts under Master Stone when she was six, soon after her mother died from breast cancer. After finishing school, she attended Comlumbia University, where she dated blind classmate Matt Murdock. When Elektra's friend Mel was raped by a boy called Treyy, the charges were dropped thanks to Trey's influencial father. After Elektra threatened Trey, his hired thugs firebombed her father's dry cleaning business. Matt forced the thugs to confess, but again Trey was freed, and Elektra began to fear Matt was lying to her since she suspected he was not truly blind. After Trey attacked Mel again, Elektra ambushed him, planning to kill him. Trying to stop her, Matt showed he trusted her by sharing his secret: though he was blind, his other senses were superhumanly enhanced. Unmoved, Elektra cut Trey femoral artery and gave Matt a choice; save Trey from bleeding to death or be with her. Matt chose the former.

Elektra quit school and moved back in with her father, whose cousins Paul and Leander paid to rebuild his business but then used the store for money laundering. Elektra agreed to settle her father's death by stealing the ledger of their bookkeeper Cullen, who was about to testify against the cousins. She found the ledger, but Cullen was slain by the professional assassin Poindexter, who then tried to kill her. Elektra escaped, but Poindexter framed Elektra's father for Cullen's murder. Seeking to clear his name, Elektra teamed with Matt and learned that Poindexter was hired by the Kingpin, who also sought the ledger. Theduo failed to prevent Poindexter from killing Cullen's lawyer, William Savage, who had another copy of the book, but Poindexter failed to retrieve the ledger. Sucker-punching Matt, Elektra traded the ledger to the Kingpin for Poindexter and clearing her father's name. She fought Poindexter and won, impressing the Kingpin, who offered to employ her. Later, Matt revealed there had been evidence that would have cleared her father without Kingpin's aid.

Elektra became a freelance assassin, though Spider-Man stopped her from killing a Latverian General. The Kingpin hired her to retrieve a stolen tablet, bringing her into conflict with the Black Cat and Spider-Man; when the Black Cat threw the tablet in the harbor, Elektra impaled her on a thrown sai, seemingly killing her. Recently, Elektra has started working for the Kingpin again, after Hammerhead began a gang war challenging his rule of the underworld.

Elektra's First Costume