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F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) In40
E) Rm30
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Gd10

Health: 100 Karma: 22
Resources: Ty Pop: -5

Known Powers:

Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy, has the following power stunts:
-Retractable Blades: Blade retract from the Gladiator's shoulders that cause Rn Edge damage. This is usually used to escape from restraints or holds
Helmet: Gd protection vs. Blunt attacks
Gauntlets: Gd material, has the following power stunts:
-Claws: In material, Rm Edge, can also be fired up to 3 areas

Talents: Hand-to-Hand Combat

Contacts: None


For reasons only understood by his own demented mind, the madman who called himself the Gladiator took an entire museum hostage, ranting about the unjust imprisonment of Nurhachi, presumably referring to the 16th century founder of the Manchu Dynasty (aka Geren Gurun Be Ujire Genggiyen or "Brilliant Emperor Who Benefits All Nations"). By the time Spider-Man arrived, the Gladiator had already killed at least one security officer. Declaring "the Emperor" had given the attack signal, Gladiator shot blades from his gauntlet at Spider-Man, destroying several priceless artifacts when the hero dodged. He avoided Gladiator's next blow just as easily, and the madman's gauntleted fist shattered a concrete pillar instead. Spider-Man landed on his shoulders and pounded away at him, but was dislodged when blades sprang from Gladiator's pauldrons. As the hero leapt away, Gladiator grabbed his leg and threw his opponent through some display cases. Tangled in some ropes, Spider-Man was unable to dodge the next set of blades Gladiator fired. As Gladiator moved in for the killing blow, the injured Spider-Man webbed his eyes and repeatedly bashed a metal stand over his head, knocking Gladiator out.