Joe "Robbie" Robertson
F) Gd10
A) Ty6
S) Gd10
E) Gd10
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ex20
Health: 36 Karma: 40
Resources: Gd Pop: 3
Known Powers:
Talents: Writing, Journalism, Streetwise, Business/Finance
Contacts: Daily Bugle, Peter Parker, J. Jonah Jameson, Ben Urich
Joe Robertson has known J. Jonah Jameson for twenty years; the calming yin to Jameson's raging yang, he has helped his friend cope with drinking problems and personal bereavement. He often serves to balence Jameson's temper and act as his conscience; telling him off for going overboard on the mutant scare; wanting to run Urich's sewer monster piece when Jameson knocked it back; expressing sadness in contrast to Jonah's jubilation when Spider-Man was accused of being a bank robber; and admitting to a new employee that the reason the Daily Bugle didn't pursue Wilson Fisk's criminal activities more vigorously was because the crimelord owns stock in the company. In fact, Robertson is often the only person whom Jameson will listen to when he dug his heels in. Joe was unhappy when Jameson endorsed prospective D.A. Sam Bullit's election campaign without clearing it with him first, and he berated Jameson for firing Peter Parker for simply for questioning the paper's reporting of the Kingpin escaping murder charges. Robertson has also acted as a mentor to younger staff members; Ben Urich claims Joe taught him to always have a backup, and Peter Parker has often found his wisdom extremely useful.