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The Sentinels

The Sentinels

F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Am50
E) Sh-X150
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Pr4

Health: 250 Karma: N/A
Resources: N/A Pop: N/A

Known Powers:
Robotic Construction: The Sentinels are robots, and as such have a number of special abilities:
-Immunity to poison, disease, and gas.
-Invulnerability to mental attacks such as mind control and mind reading (Telepathic force bolts and other such attacks function normally.)
-Sentinels do not need to breathe, and as such are unharmed by the effects of outer space and being underwater.
-Sentinels are 20' tall and have a + 2CS chance of hitting.
-Sentinels are made of Rm strength material. This provides them with Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy attacks.
-Sentinels at this stage do not generate or spend Karma.
Weapons Systems: The Sentinels have a variety of weapons-systems, fired from their hands or eyes. These include:
-Variable Energy Beams: Sentinels have plasma beams, electron beams, and heat rays with which they can inflict either energy or force damage at the In level of ability, with 2 area range. These were mounted in both the hands and eyes.
-Gas Jets: Mounted in the palms, these jets emit knockout gas of Rm intensity up to 2 areas away.
-Grappling Cables: Issuing from the wrists, these cables are of Rm material strength and grab targets with Am ability.
Mutant Detection: The Sentinels can scan all living beings within two miles and determine if a mutant is within that area and using its mutant abilities.
Flight: Ex airspeed

Talents: None

Contacts: Sentinels


The Sentinels are large, semi-humanoid androids tasked with the annihilation of mutantkind. Created by former NASA engineer Bolivar Trask, the Sentinels possess vast strength, fly via jet-propulsion units in their feet and release a wide array of energy blasts from their hands. They also are equipped with scanners that can detect the mutant gene, making them extremely effective hunters of Homo superior.

Launched in retaliation to anti-human attacks on Washington and New York by the Brotherhood of Mutants, the Sentinels' first strike targeted mutants inhabiting Los Angeles -- the suspected hiding place of the faction responsible for the bombings. The Sentinels were programmed to terminate all mutants in the vicinity.

After Magneto reprogrammed the Sentinels to attack Washington D.C., the Sentinel Program was discontinued, due to its failure.