F) Mn75
A) Rm30
S) Sh-Y150
E) CL1000
R) Mn75
I) In40
P) Un100
Health: 1295 Karma: 215
Resources: Un Pop: -100
Known Powers:
Immortality: Cannot die by any fashion
Invulnerability: Sh-X protection vs. Physical and Energy, CL1000 Resistance to Fire, Cold, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins, Corossives and Disease
Cosmic Energy Control: Sh-Z, Thanos can manipulate enourmous quanties of cosmic energy. Thanos regularly uses the follwing Stunts:
-Energy Blasts: Sh-X Force or Energy
-Boost any or all Physical Abilites(FASE) to Sh-Z for 1-10 rounds.
-Raise Body Armor to Sh-Z for 1-10 rounds.
-Energy Absorbtion: Absorb any form of Energy with Sh-Z ability.
-Energy Detection: Detect any form of Energy with Un ability.
Possession: Mn ability to possess another being
Life Support: Doesn't require food, water, sleep, or air to survive and has Cl1000 Life Support.
Teleportation: Un
Talents: Martial Arts B, Wrestling, Leadership, Death Lore, Occult Lore
Contacts: Ronan, Gallowglass