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Between Seishi and Gods, Chapter 13: Home is Where My Heart Finds Rest

They decided to leave that morning, as soon as Miaka was released from the hospital. She had slept through the whole night, her dreams curiously empty of fear and darkness. When she awoke her head was still tender where she acquired the bruising but she didn’t need the bandages or any additional medicine to alleviate the pain. She didn’t even feel nauseous.

"I feel great, actually! No need to worry about me!" she grinned brightly. Then, looking at the face of a rather dejected Priest, Miaka flushed. "I’m sorry we have to leave you here, Houjun-san. If you’d like, maybe one of us can stay behind with you for company."

He smiled at her. "It’s all right, no da. It’s probably for the best that you all head out in case the other members of our group are in the area, no da."

Miaka quickly hugged the injured Seishi. Kishuku, unable to suppress a painful grimace, dropped a handful of coins into Houjun’s hand. "I already paid for you to stay for another 3 days," he whispered. "But just in case anything happens, you know..."

"Thank you, Kishuku-kun, but rest assured that I am going to get healthy, no da. Shonin would be less than amused if we had to stay here too long," he interjected, smiling lightly. "I’ll meet you in three days then, no da."

‘Doukun says the horses are ready for you,’ Chie’s mindvoice touched all three of them.

"Get better soon, Houjun-san, we need you," Kishuku bowed to his elder.

"Take care of each other, no da," he returned, waving with two fingers. "Good riding."

"Bye!" Miaka waved and followed Kishuku downstairs and outside, right where a sleepy Doukun was standing with a pair of bridled horses. "Doukun-chan, you look really tired. Are you all right?"

He stifled a yawn before answering with, "I am fine, Miaka-san. I was up much later than I should have been, but I should be able to make the ride without a problem."

"Miaka-san, would you care to ride with me, Dou-kun, or by yourself?" Kishuku asked. "It’s not a very long ride--maybe twenty minutes at most. You can even shift if you’d like."

A smile of excitement spread across her face. I haven’t shifted in days! I’d love to run as a coyote... but then her face fell. No, I'd better not. I just... not yet. She looked up at Kishuku’s composed expression and smiled at him. "I’ll ride with you, if you don’t mind."

He winked back in reply. "Not a problem! Need a hand up?"

Miaka puffed up indignantly. "I may be a girl, but I have ridden before. I can do it myself, thank you very much." Of course, such a declaration could only be followed by a bout of extreme clumsiness, a trait that Miaka had yet to outgrow. This time was no exception; as she placed one foot into the stirrup and jumped up, she miscalculated the steadiness of her foot. Instead of being set firmly in the stirrup she slipped out of it and began to pinwheel backwards, letting out a shriek of panic.

Thankfully, Kishuku had been watching closely and caught her on the way back down without so much as blinking an eye. He smugly grinned at her and said, "Sure you don’t want the help?"

Miaka mumbled something that sounded like an affirmative or a retort, but she allowed herself to be hoisted up in front of Kishuku. "Now don’t get any funny ideas," she huffed and crossed her arms. But when Kishuku said nothing--not even a teasing retort--Miaka felt a small bite of disappointment.

I don’t know why, though! He’s mean and money grubbing and he’s nothing like the boys back home! she thought with irritation, then felt a cold knife settle in her chest. Home... I’ve got to go home soon. I know Kishuku promised to take care of me, but I have to see how Kaa-san and Nii-chan are. It’s a matter of family.

They were off and riding within minutes with Kishuku and Toshi leading the way to their home. The ride itself was uneventful, so Miaka amused herself by talking to the Seishi and ketsu pairs.

"So... why were you near my home?" she finally asked, and noticed Kishuku’s fingers tightened on the bridle.

Interesting reaction...

"Well, Miaka-san..." Doukun began. "It’s a rather long story, but suffice it to say that we’re looking for people that can help us in our journey to bring peace to Konan." She nodded and glanced up into Kishuku’s face.

"He’s right. Our other three friends are coming to meet us in my hometown, hopefully with a friend."

Miaka frowned. "But won’t I be a burden to you? I mean, if you’ve got something as important as helping the country, won’t I just get in the way?"

‘Hardly, my dear Miko,’ Toshi explained. ‘Sometimes Suzaku’s ways are unknown to us mortal beings, and perhaps you are to join us for a time.’

She was about to further comment, except Kishuku had suddenly picked up the pace, and she was forced to grab the horse’s mane or else risk losing her balance. However, the ride didn’t last too long, and they entered a small village no bigger than hers but much more neglected than Miaka expected. They ended up in the yard of one home where four children were seen racing in and out of the house.

When Kishuku dismounted, all faces turned to him and it was as if fireworks had gone off behind those innocent orbs.

"Nii-chan!" a chorus of young and eager voices rang out over the morning countryside. "Nii-chaaaaaan!"

"I'm hoooome!" Kishuku mimicked their ecstatic cries and with a joyful grin that looked as if it belonged on someone half his age, he grabbed the nearest body and spun around with it, causing giggles and shrieks to emanate from the little boy’s mouth. Next to him, Toshi was rolling on the ground with two little girls grabbing at his paws and snuggling into his furry chest.

Miaka looked at the scene while tides of warmth and happiness rolled over her spirit. So this is Kishuku’s home... she thought, gazing at the blissful faces of the children clustered around their big brother. She jumped down and cautiously peeked inside the nearest window. It’s smaller than my own house, and dirtier and darker... but it’s still warm. It’s still a home. She smiled as she and Doukun followed Kishuku and his procession. The last boy had already run into the house, proclaiming his brother’s sudden return with the energy of a town crier announcing a king's heroic homecoming.

"Oyaji! I’m back!" he called through the house, striding past most of the abode until he entered a small room tucked away into the back. On a bed was a somewhat scruffy looking man, looking too pale to be healthy but beaming at the sight of his eldest.

"Kishuku!" he said in a surprised though not unhappy voice. "What are you doing here?"

The Tamahome Seishi grinned. "Ah, see! I knew you were trying to get rid of me all the while!" He pulled out a length of coins beaded together on a thick cord then handed it to the next-biggest Sou child. "This is some of the money I’ve made while at the Center and jumping around Konan. Use it wisely, all right? I don’t know when I’ll be back and I want to make sure you’re all taken care of."

Miaka's eyebrows flew up as understanding flooded her thoughts. So that’s why he’s looking for money. It’s for his family. Suzaku, how honorable of him!

"You’re going already?" the youngest sister asked, her eyes widening in shock.

Kishuku smiled down at them, his eyes softening in brotherly empathy. "No, I’m not going. I’m staying here for a few days with my friends." He spread his arm and indicated Miaka and a tired Doukun standing in the doorway. "Meet Yuuki Miaka and Ou Doukun," and suddenly grinned in playfulness. "Doukun’s a Seishi like me, and Miaka’s a Miko, so you better behave around them or else."

"Hello," Miaka bowed. "It’s nice to meet you all."

One child, the elder sister asked point-blank if Miaka was Kishuku’s wife--Doukun burst into fits of laughter as the duo in question succumbed into fits of blushing. After "calmly" explaining that no, they weren’t married and no, they weren’t anything close to being married, the girl looked somewhat mollified.

Still... Miaka thought, looking up at the flushed Kishuku. He’s awfully sweet when he blushes.

Kishuku went down the line for introductions. The second oldest was Chuuei, who turned out to be the same age as Doukun, while the curious girl was ten-year-old Gyokuran. The blond brother was Shunkei at eight and the youngest child was five-year-old Yuiren. Though half-asleep, Doukun managed to stay awake long enough to meet everyone, and then he let out a yawn big enough to swallow the house.

"Excuse me for my rudeness, but if I don’t rest soon I shall fall asleep on the floor."

Kishuku offered him a room but Doukun declined, and soon the boy-turned-owl was cuddled up next to his bondmate within the nearest oak tree.

I wonder if he’d mind me imprinting Chie’s form, Miaka thought as she looked outside at the small but supple owls. Being an owl looks useful, and I’ve always wanted to know how to fly! She felt a tug at the hem of her robe, and looked down to Yuiren holding the cloth in tiny fists. "Yes, dear?"

"Where’s your ketsu?" she asked, eyes bright and puzzled. "Onii-chan said you were a Miko, wha’sat mean?"

"Well, it’s sort of hard to explain," she said, kneeling eye-level with Yuiren. "See, I don’t have a ketsu but I can talk to all ketsu. If I ask nice enough, he or she can even let me copy their body. So this way, it’s almost like I’m bonded to all the ketsu."

As she talked, the little girl’s eyes widened in wonderment. "All the ketsu... that’s a lot of animals!" she declared. "Can you look like Toshi?"

"Well... maybe. I haven’t asked him if I could yet. I’m still very new at shifting and talking to ketsus."

Yuiren grabbed her hand and pulled her in the direction of the yard. "Come on, Miaka-chan. Let’s talk to Toshi. Maybe he’ll let’cha shift!" The child was so excited and intent on helping her newfound friend that Miaka could do little but let herself get dragged outside where Toshi lay lounging in the dirt. "To-chan! To-chan!"

He rolled over and looked at them with a lazy grin. ‘Hello Yuiren. What can I do for my beloved’s beloved sister?’

Yuiren giggled in pleasure at his gentle teasing, then said with great seriousness, "Miaka-chan’s a Miko. She can look like any ketsu."

‘That she can,’ Toshi nodded sagely.

"Can she look like you?"

At this, Toshi rose to his feet and butted his head against Miaka’s hand, and she automatically began to scratch him right above the glowing oni symbol. ‘She can now. As long as she’s touched the ketsu or Seishi she wants to borrow the, er, look from, she can shift into that animal.’

"It’s actually a bit harder than that," Miaka admitted to the child. "But--"

"Yuiren!" Kishuku called out, sounding a bit nervous and making Miaka jump. But when he poked his head out the window and saw all three standing there, he visibly relaxed and asked, "What are you up to?"

"Miaka-chan’s gonna turn into Toshi!" Yuiren stated happily. Kishuku raised an eyebrow and looked at the two in question then turned back to his sister.

"Now Yuiren, don’t go making a pest of yourself, you hear?" he said firmly. "If Miaka-san doesn’t want to shift, you shouldn’t bother her, all right?"

Yuiren face fell, looking so dejected that Miaka couldn’t help but feel like it was her fault that the child looked so upset. "Neeee, Yuiren, it’s all right," she quelled the girl. "I can’t do a leopard now but... I can do a coyote. Do you like dogs?"

Toshi wrinkled his nose in feline disdain. ‘I don’t know, Yuiren... should we let her?’ he teased the child. The girl smiled in delight, too excited about seeing another person shift to really care what they looked like. She’s seen her brother and Doukun shift, she’s just dying for more.

"Well then, if this is a show do you mind if we watch?" Kishuku asked, and Miaka turned to see him standing in the doorway with the other three children watching intently.

Miaka flushed slightly but agreed. "Sure, I guess so." She bent down in front of Yuiren and tapped the girl on the nose. "Just stand back, all right?"

‘Come next to me, little one,’ Toshi carefully pulled Yuiren away by the back of her robe until Miaka had a good three feet of working room.

Okay, Yuuki, just relax. You’ve shifted before; it’s nothing to be afraid of. Think of it like a test that you've seen Peka-san put Yui-chan through.

Yet the part of her that always felt afraid of failure pushed its way up into her thoughts. But... but I’ve only done it twice before! What if I mess up? What if it doesn’t work?! What if they... maybe make fun or me or something?

'You’ve got me here, Miaka-san,' Toshi spoke to her with brotherly kindness. 'As a ketsu I can help you through the shift if you want. And besides, no one’s going to think any less of you if you can’t do it. Look around.'

She glanced around the yard and saw that the leopard was right. All the children were gazing at her with intense awe, leaving no room for mockery or disrespect. Miaka caught a quick glance of Kishuku, but instead of seeing the appraising look her mother usually wore this one was totally the opposite. It wasn’t judging--it was patient and interested and surprisingly open. Miaka found a small smile creeping across her face as she made the change from human to coyote. This time, she found herself enjoying the transformation more than she had ever expected to.

Because of her youth, both age-wise and experience-wise, Miaka as a coyote was smaller than that of a full-grown female. She was just below two feet tall from the shoulder down and about three and half feet long--but it made her the perfect playmate size for children ages ten and under. So when Miaka went up and licked Yuiren on the nose, the kids parted from their brother and began to pet and coo at their newfound friend. And of course, coyote Miaka looooved getting her stomach scratched and they were only too willing to comply with her wish.

Ohhhh, this is nice, she grinned canidly, stretching on her back and exposing as much of her creamy underbelly as possible. Right there, Shunkei... yeah... ahhhhh...

‘I should be jealous. They don’t pet me like that anymore,’ Toshi’s ‘voice came back, halfway between teasing and serious.

‘You’re just not special anymore,’ she tossed right back.

Toshi grabbed her tail under his paw and then made a show of "biting" and "chewing" at it like a toy, prompting Chuuei and Gyokuran to tackle the leopard to try and get him to stop. He managed to catch both of them, and soon enough had expertly pinned them under a different paw. The children were giggling and screeching and adoring the attention like nothing else as Toshi himself fed off it and returned the feelings a hundred-fold. And all the while Miaka was aware of Kishuku standing above them, watching with loving and laughing eyes as he basked in the happiness of his family and friends.

Okay, so maybe he has a few redeeming qualities besides being handsome and heroic and family-oriented, she thought warmly, and when she let out a small bark in his direction Kishuku took the hint and joined the not-so-little wrestling match. It’s going to be a very good day--I can feel it in my heart.


The first three days and nights at the Sou house were pretty uneventful. Miaka and Doukun wanted to stay only one night in their home so as not to burden the family, but Sou-san himself would have none of that.

"It’s quite an honor to have not only another Seishi but a Suzaku no Miko under their roof," he said in a thick voice. "Please, we would love it if you stayed." Thus the duo had no choice but to agree and toss their bedrolls besides the children’s cots. Sou-san even asked Miaka if she would lay a small blessing upon their humble abode, of which she couldn’t because of her lack of training. Still, Miaka did pray to Suzaku and that he would see to the well being of this family, hoping it would be enough.

Doukun offered to help the kids with their garden, getting on his hands and knees and helping to till the soil and pull weeds. He explained to Chuuei that if they were to add a certain plant to the field it would help produce better crops, and then took the other thirteen-year-old tromping through the nearby woods to try and find it. Chie tagged along and hours later they came back with only a handful of roots and seeds but a strongly growing friendship. Thus it became routine for the duo to go off and look for more the next day, though Kishuku was more convinced they were playing around rather than looking for plants.

On a regular basis, Kishuku was called in to pull guard duty over the village for various reasons, earning random amounts of okane that he always added to that growing thread of coins. While this happened, Miaka and Toshi were around to take care of the children and Sou-san. With the extra help they were getting from the four Seishi’s hunting, the Sou family ate very well for days. And it was a good thing the children were well versed in the kitchen because Miaka turned out to be a less than stellar chef (even though she ate enough for the whole household and then some).

Miaka herself was in her glory, hardly minding the menial tasks she used to hate doing when at home. She cleaned house, washed dishes and clothes, ran little errands, and kept the kids entertained. Yuiren had adopted the older girl, calling her Nee-chan whenever she saw Miaka, and it tickled both her and Kishuku to no end. She even learned how to shift into owl form, learning from Chie and Doukun’s helpful tutoring the proper way to fly without falling. When she went to sleep at night besides Yuiren’s bed, she usually slept peacefully and easily.

But she did not forget her family.

More than once with only Doukun and the ketsu home, Miaka would try and find a reason to leave them for a long period of time. Unfortunately the problem with the ketsu was that, being telepathic, they were more than aware of when she was lying and what her true intentions for leaving were.

"But you don’t understand!" she finally wailed to Chie, who had stopped her just outside the boundary of the town on the third day of their stay. "I have to go! I know Kishuku promised to take care of me, but I have to go! If what he says is true, that Kutou is looking to kill all the mikos, then just by being here I’m putting Kishuku’s family in danger! I can’t... I can’t put them in danger!"

‘But dear one, you can’t leave. If you go, you’ll put your own family at risk,’ Chie tried to explain instead of using the prior method of distraction--good food. ‘I know you’re afraid for them, and I know you want to make sure they’re all right, but you can’t go. You’re needed here right now.’

‘What if I’m needed at home?’ Miaka fought. ‘What if--’

‘Right now, there is nothing you can do,’ she said, her thoughts blunt and sharp. ‘Your brother is a Seishi. Kishuku and my Doukun are Seishi. If you are needed, then your brother’s ketsu can contact us. If there is something important going on we will get the information to you, but right now there is nothing. you. can. do. I’m sorry Miaka, I really am.’

‘Sorry doesn’t help Kaa-san or Nii-chan or Yui-chan,’ she shot back bitterly.

Chie had little patience for that attitude so she merely flapped her wings in front of Miaka’s eyes and forced the girl back to the house. For the rest of the day Miaka sulked outside the house, practicing her shifting and telepathy instead of spending time with the kids. When she became an owl, awkwardly hovering over the house, she looked inside a small hole in the roof and saw Sou-san coughing violently. Her heart lurched when she thought he was choking, but soon enough the man settled back to bed and closed his eyes, the fit passing quickly. However, Miaka's owl eyes allowed her to see the sickness painted all over his features and the look of pain and humiliation he was wearing as he slept.

Poor man... she thought regretfully. I wish I could help, but I'm just an untrained Miko. My petitions won't catch Suzaku's attention.

With her concentration rapidly failing Miaka knew she had to get to the ground under her own power, otherwise gravity would take over and it wasn't half as kind when she wasn't flying. She managed a clumsy shift back into her familiar shape and landed right at the open door. She looked around and hoped no one saw her fall, and to her relief she saw Kishuku and the two thirteen year olds starting lunch with the children running around and helping.

Oh good, I didn't have an audience.

An idea filled her mind with sunlight intensity.

If I leave now, they can take care of the kids, and no one will notice me leaving in the middle of all this chaos. I can turn back into an owl and fly home before anyone notices anything. This way, I won’t be too much of a burden... if Sou-san’s as sick as I saw. She had turned to run when...


She stopped in mid-step. Uh oh... "Yeah, Kishuku?" she asked hesitantly, spinning on the sole of her foot. The Tamahome Seishi casually lobbed a bucket over his shoulder and with a yelp she caught it.

"If you’re going out, would you mind filling this up for me at the stream?" he asked. "I’d do it, but if you’re heading out anyway there’s no point in both of us getting wet."

"Fine!" Miaka hmphed at him then slung the bucket over her shoulder and stormed off towards the brook. "Who does he think he is, anyway? Treating me like a kid! I should be insulted--in fact, I am!"

But when she actually got to the stream and looked at the water, all of her anger fell away. Looking at herself, with her hair tied in buns and wearing an old two-piece brown robe that she’d had for the past three years, Miaka knew the truth.

"I am a kid," she murmured to her water-self. "I’m a glutton and I'm whiny and selfish and it’s no surprise that no man’s talked to Kaa-san about taking me as a bride. Just because I've hit marriageable age doesn’t really mean much if no one wants to marry me, does it..."

Remembering the chore she was sent to do Miaka filled up the bucket, breaking her reflection. "Too bad Kishuku's so busy with his family, he's really very nice... he’d make a good husband, I'll bet. He’s practically a father already, and I know Kaa-san would like him if Nii-chan does too. Maybe... maybe I can get him to ask for my hand!" A grin lit up her face. "I can think of worse fates, actually..." she could feel the blush rising to her cheeks as she pictured his face floating before her eyes, then shook her head. "I'd better get back."

She pulled the bucket out of the river and turned, then ran smack-dab into some man’s chest. "Ah, excuse me!" Miaka cried out as she spilled water all over his tunic. "I’m sorry!"

"It’s all right. It doesn’t matter," he grumbled, and she looked up into the stone-cold gaze of a man dressed in black robes. Her heart stopped in chest as she remembered those robes--those eyes--and suddenly she was back in the forest running for her life with her brother beside her. The man grinned when he saw the look of utter terror behind her eyes and said, "Don’t worry. It will be quick and painless," as he pulled a long sword from within the dark folds.

She dropped the bucket and backed away from him, and let out a shriek to split eardrums when she saw a second man, this one in peasant's clothing, come up behind her wielding a scythe. "Go away!" she cried. "Leave me alone!"

The second grinned mercilessly. "Then all you have to do is die." And he arced the blade towards her, the silver tip shining as it prepared to drink her life.


Miaka reached inside and found that, though her mind was paralyzed at the sight of her death, her body wasn't so ready to give up.


And she did. It wasn't smooth and it wasn't graceful, but Miaka got out of the way and the assassin missed his mark. He swung two more times and each time Miaka flung herself from the deadly weapon's touch. Then the first assassin came back into motion, hacking and swinging at her with lightning-quick moves. She screamed as both the sword and scythe came at her, moving with the speed of a rabbit trying to escape the wolf's teeth.

But her scream didn't go unheeded, for just as the peasant assassin sent his weapon singing towards her head, Kishuku grabbed the blade with the tips of his fingers and slammed an elbow into the man's face to knock him out. "Miaka, watch it!" he shouted, spin-kicking the sword wielder in the chest and away from them. "Go back home!"

Her body was frozen in place as her thoughts whirled at the sight of Kishuku fighting for her. Even if she wanted to, there was no way she could leave him out here. He's got a family that needs his protection, there are people who need him! she silently cried out. I can't let him do this! I can't let him fight for me anymore!

And her mind was filled with icy clarity.

I'm going home whether the ketsu want me to or not. I won't let anyone else suffer because of me.

Just before Kishuku could deliver a fatal blow to the swordsman the two killers vanished without a trace. He only looked around for a second before turning to Miaka and asking, "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

That broke the last bit of strength Miaka had left, and all she could do was cover her mouth and bite back a sob. "I-I-I'm okay now... I was just so scared... I'm so..."

Kishuku smiled at her, offering his hand out for her to take. "Come on, let's get back home. When we're all together it should be easier to--"

'KI!' Toshi's mindvoice battered against their thoughts, and Miaka literally hit her knees with the force of his fury. 'GET HOME NOW!' And mere seconds after he shouted for his bondmate the screams of children echoed in the air.

Without a word the two bolted back to the Sou household, fear and horror running rampant through both their thoughts. When Kishuku flung the door in, both of them stopped dead in their tracks at the sight before them.

All around the room the children were lashed to the ceiling, the floor, and the walls by a white rope-like substance. Sou-san was tied to the bed while the ketsu were caught and hog-tied so tightly they could barely move. Doukun was upside down, his arms and neck bound together in such a way that if he had tried to shift, he'd break his arms or his neck.

"Kishuku! Run! Get away before you're caught too!" Doukun cried out, writhing uselessly within the bonds. The children cried for their brother and both the ketsu looked furious at their inability to help. In the center of it all was the sword-wielding assassin seen only moments before, gazing at them with deadly calm.

"Sonofabitch!" Kishuku screamed, his rage sending him flying fist-first towards the man. But what he didn't expect was the release of more ropes, binding him up so quickly that Miaka barely understood what happened.

"Suzaku no Miko... I offered you a fair trade, and my patience has reached its limit. If you want to save the lives of those present" he pulled his sword and held it close to Kishuku's throat "you'll come quietly and allow me to kill you. Now... be a good girl this time."

Miaka looked around the room with righteous ire in her heart. It's not right! Four children, a sick man, even two completely innocent Seishi are being held hostage because of me! All because I'm a Suzaku no Miko. She strode forward with anger and acceptance, ignoring the calls of Kishuku and Doukun to stop. I said I wouldn't let it go on anymore, and I won't!

I'm ready to die.

On to Chapter 14

Back to Part 12

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