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The Slightly Ecchi Adventures of Rock Lee, Prologue

Her hair was the color of the flower for which she was named... her vigor and spirit unmatched in any other... her hands were... well, they were rough from her long days as a proud ninja of the Leaf, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Never in all his seventeen years of life had he been so happy. Six months had passed since they’d started dating, and each day was like a dream that got better and better. Oh, how he’d waited for this moment, the moment when she’d take his hand in hers and say, “Lee, are you paying attention to me?”

“What?” Lee blinked, prodded out of his own thoughts by the slight irritation in Sakura’s tone.

“I said, ‘Lee, are you paying attention to me?’” Sakura repeated. Lee’s eyes widened. How could he have let himself fall into his own fantasies of Sakura when she was right here beside him? When she was gently clasping his hand in her own as they walked through the park? When her eyebrow was lifted just so, giving her face the look it got right before she got mad and yelled...

Oh no.

He smiled nervously. “Ah, Sakura-san, I’m sorry--I was just thinking about you, and, ah--I guess I lost track of reality.” He hung his head in shame.

Sakura looked at him incredulously for a moment, then burst into laughter. Lee blinked. She... wasn’t angry?

“Lee,” she giggled, her voice like an angel’s, “you’re a really weird guy, you know that?” She tugged at his hand. “Let’s go, I have some things to tell you. And pay attention this time!”

“Yes, Sakura-san,” Lee said, trailing behind her like a puppy on a leash. They made their way to a park bench, where they sat down, hands entwined. Lee stole a quick peck on the cheek, which turned into more when Sakura caught his lips with her own and pressed them together firmly. Lee came out of the kiss dazed and flushed.

Without a doubt, he was the luckiest man in the world.

“OK, Lee,” Sakura said, “what I was asking you while you were off in your own little world was: do you have any missions scheduled for the weekend?”

Lee thought for a moment. “No, not that I know of. Why do you ask?”

“Well, because my parents are going on a business trip over the weekend.”

Lee frowned. “You mean you’re not going with them?” At Sakura’s nod, he raised his fist into the air. “Unforgivable: they’ve abandoned you! If it were me, I wouldn’t leave without you!”

“Thank you, Lee,” Sakura said, blushing slightly. “But, you know, I have my own obligations here. I don’t mind staying home for the entire weekend. Alone.” As she said the last word, she leaned against him and looked him in the eye. Lee cocked his head to the side.

After a minute or two of staring, Sakura sighed. “Lee,” she asked, “do you know what I’m saying?”

He thought some more. “Sakura-san,” he said, “are you... afraid?” Sakura blinked. “Do you want me to come over this weekend and protect you?” He leapt to his feet, grinning. “Don’t worry, Sakura-san! With the Beautiful Green Beast of Konoha by your side, you’ll have nothing to fear!”

Sakura grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him back onto the bench. Then she kissed him to shut him up. “No, Lee,” she said, laughing. “What I’m asking is...” She blushed and looked away.


“What I’m asking is...”

Lee touched her cheek gently. “Whatever it is, Sakura-san, tell me. I won’t laugh at you.”

“I know Lee,” Sakura said, nuzzling into his hand. “What I’m asking is... doyouwannacomeovertomorrownightsowecanhavesex?”

Lee blinked. “Uh...”

Sakura took a deep breath. “What I meant was, I want to have sex with you, and I was wondering if you’d like to, tomorrow night.”

Lee’s mouth fell open. He looked away from Sakura, out into the park. The tree his eyes fell on seemed to burst into bloom, a thousand multicolored blossoms swirling in a whirlwind that was nowhere near as wondrous as the thing Sakura had just proposed.


He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. When they parted, Sakura smiled. “Can I take that as a yes?” she asked.

“Definitely,” Lee answered.

They gazed at each other for a moment more, then kissed again. “I guess we should get going,” Sakura said as they parted. “It’s getting late.”

Lee nodded. “We’ll need all our strength for tomorrow.”

Sakura blushed, and how Lee loved that blush! It made her look so delicate, like a flower, yet under that beauty he knew there was a soul of steel. “I wouldn’t put it that way, Lee,” she said. “But I do have a mission tomorrow morning.” She stood, and Lee stood with her. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, OK?”

“Should I walk you home?” he asked.

“No,” she answered. “Your house’s right near here. I won’t have you walking all the way across the village. I can take care of myself.”

“Well, then, you have to let me take you out to dinner tomorrow,” Lee insisted. Sakura kissed him by way of agreement, then leapt into the trees and disappeared. Lee watched her go, then skipped merrily to his house, whistling happily. He let himself in, shouted a greeting to his parents and waltzed up the stairs, barely able to contain his happiness. Seventeen and in love! What better way was there to be?

He flopped down on his bed and smiled at nothing in particular. That smiled slowly changed into a frown, though, as he realized an important fact: he had no idea how to make love to a woman!

Oh, he knew the basics, of course, tab A into slot B, etcetera, but how did one go about it... properly? How could he make it as wonderful an experience for Sakura as he was sure she would make it for him? What if he screwed up, or forgot something important?

He fumbled in his pocket for a coin. As his hand closed around it, he closed his eyes and mumbled, “If this coin toss comes out the way I call it, everything will go perfectly tomorrow. But,” he drew the coin out of his pocket and fondled it nervously, “if I call it wrong, Sakura-san won’t like me any more.” He gulped. “Well, here it goes.”

He flipped the coin into the air and watched it fall, trying to predict the outcome. As it reached the height of his arc, he had it.


It was tails.

Lee glared at it for a moment, then launched himself off his bed and pointed at it. “Ha!” he cried, “I fooled you! I knew it was going to be tails! But I also knew the coin never falls the way I call it, so I said the opposite! Everything will be perfect!”

The coin didn’t seem very impressed. Lee laughed at it for a moment more, then at fate which had tried once again to screw him over. Then he calmed down and got ready for bed. He wouldn’t worry anymore, not tonight. Hard work and good tips made anything possible, and he knew just the person to go to tomorrow morning.

On to Part 1

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