"I'm not sure," Zel replied, unconsciously gripping back. "But I'm pretty sure that those people won't hurt us." He did his best to assure her, noting the single-mindedness with which the people filed away from the direction of the Town Square. Someone bumped into Gracia.
"Excuuuuuse me," she huffed. "You could afford some manners, mister." She wagged an accusing finger at a largish man who, unlike the surrounding shuffling masses, was quite alert.
"Heh, these folk won't hurt cha, that's for sure, but I sure as hell can," He grunted. "Whadda we have here? Looks like two little princesses to me." A wide, cruel smile spread across his face as he noticed the Saillune crest on a pendant Gracia wore. He could take in a nice ransom, or perhaps even make a sweet deal selling off a pair of princesses as slaves. With that in mind, he closed in on them, aiming to back them into a dark alley, bop them on the head, and steal into the woods beyond the city. The only "witnesses" would be the mysteriously mystified crowd.
"Hey there! Don't forget about me," Zelgadis barked, again drawing his toy sword. It was better than nothing.
"Oh, do we have a little prince, too?" The thug teased and shoved the boy aside into a muddy puddle. "Or is he just a pauper?"
"You're starting to offend me," Gracia warned. However, Amelia had no time for speeches (this of course would change as she grew up); she charged directly at the offending brute, screaming as loud as her petite lungs could allow—which, as all baby-sitters and parents across the four universes know—was pretty damn loud. Gracia had a pretty good idea bout what her little sister was going to do: their cousin Alfred could be a bit of a jerk at family gatherings, and the pair of them had devised a fail-safe plan for getting him to shut up. Gracia wasn't so sure that it would work against an opponent this large, but got ready to do her part anyhow.
Amelia launched herself at the man, grabbing his forearm and biting hard. Predictably, he grabbed her with the other arm and raised her in the air in an attempt to pry her from his forearm.
"Chance!" Gracia cried out victoriously, and wound up for the penalty kick. "Saillune Double Special Tender Loving Care," she cheered while giving their assailant a hard, swift kick in the groin. He dropped Amelia and cried out in pain; Gracia grabbed her sister and Zelgadis before taking the opportunity to run like hell.
"Well that was a cheap shot," Zelgadis panted as he tried to keep pace with the gangly ten-year old girl.
"It was justified! Besides, you weren't going to do anything with that toy of yours," she added with a sideways glance in his direction.
Behind them, Amelia tripped on a loose cobblestone, sending her face-first into the street beneath her. She began to bawl loudly. Zel turned on his heel and ran to help her up.
"Hurry, we haven't got much time before he catches up."
"I thought you were gonna leaf widdle 'Mewia awone!"
"I promise I won't leave you alone. C'mon, 'Mel get up!" he called frantically, noticing that their attacker hadn't given up the chase yet. After some coaching, he got Amelia on her feet again, though her knee was skinned and bleeding, and she had bitten the corner of her lip. Unfortunately, it was too late: the lug happened to be quicker on his feet than they thought, and now he loomed like an angry troll over the little girl and her reluctant protector. Zelgadis saw the man make a swing with his wooden club, and seeing no alternative, threw himself on top of Amelia. As he felt the whooshing air of the oncoming strike, Zel wished for the thousandth time since he had come to live with his great-grandfather that he were stronger.
Philleonel followed the librarian down the narrow stairwell. As the founding place of White Magic, Saillune had been entrusted with some powerful magical tomes and artifacts. Only Philleonel could allow access to them, and then only to men like Rezo. However, he didn't like having to open the vault. Just the thought that these things could be used for great evil disturbed the prince, and he would rather that it not be opened at all. But then, it wouldn't be just to deny the great Sage a chance to cure his blindness.
"The key, if you please," the wizened librarian croaked.
"Of course," Phil muttered as he fumbled for the large and rather strange-looking key. He had often thought that it might jump out and bite him, and he wasn't far off the mark. The current key had been made years ago by the famed Shazal Lugundy, the creator of untold numbers of magical artifacts. As Phil handed the key to the librarian, it came to life and struggled to get from the old man's grasp, somehow managing to bite him.
"Perhaps you should do this, your Highness," the old man said while hastily placing the key back into the Price's meaty palms. Once there, it quieted and became a 'normal' key once more. The prince inserted it into the huge door's lock and gave it a turn to the right.
The door came to life as magical lights traced before unseen runes and spells written over its surface. Gears rumbled, churned, and slowly the door opened. Beyond it were shelves upon shelves filled with forbidden tomes, tables and drawers filled with lost artifacts, and the possibility for a cure. Prince Philleonel stepped inside, followed by the librarian, and they turned to face Eris. Rezo loomed behind her in the darkness, his face stoic and pensive.
"Please understand," started the librarian. "Many of the things in here were entrusted to the founders of Saillune by the Elves and even the dragon-race themselves. Some artifacts predate the War of the Monster's Fall. Little, if any, research has been done into what these objects are or what they do."
"Be careful and may you have the principles of Justice in your hearts," Philleonel added.
Eris led Rezo into the underground library, cautioning him not to hit his head. The hall had been so narrow that not only did they have to walk single-file, but Rezo had to remove his armor. He was dressed now only in a simple red robe, and Phil couldn't help but notice how frail the man appeared. The priest nodded in his direction, and Phil left with the librarian to leave the Red Priest and his associate to their own devices.
Gracia knew she had to do something quickly: Zel had taken a hit and passed out on top of Amelia, pinning her down. It was up to her to bring this man down, but she didn't have a weapon nor was she strong enough to take him on one-to-one. That only left one avenue of defense: magic. She had been secretly learning offensive spells on her own, but they tended to work erratically or not at all. However, Gracia ul Naga Saillune raised her hand with utter confidence, and gave the man a cocky glare that only a pompous ten year old can give.
"Freeze Arrow!"
"Freeze Arrow!"
"Am I supposed to be scared?" yawned the thug. "C'mon little girl, gimme you're best shot!"
"Why can't magic be like in the storybooks where all you have to do is wave a wand and say funny words?" Gracia whined, shaking her hand furiously. Closing her eyes tightly, she readied her arm to try and cast the spell again.
"Freeze Arrow!"