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Ian of RPG World and IANComix

Webcom: You do RPG World. What is the hardest part about creating your comic?

The hardest part? Getting 3 up per week.

Webcom: You draw your own comics, correct?

yep. Draw and write.

Webcom: What is your favorite charachter to Draw?

hmm, that's a hard queation because I love them all for different reasons

Webcom: Seems reasonable. Ever gotten writer's block?

not with plots, making stories is easy for me- but jokes are hard, It takes me a long time to make them.

Webcom: Well, you're good at it. What is the hardest character for you to draw?

Hmmm, I'm so familiar with all of them, so it's easy to draw them all. It's hard drawing characters when they're new.

Webcom: What would you say to summarize your comic to someone who hasn't seen it?

I.. have no idea

I'd tell them to read it

It's hard to sum it up.

Webcom: You also do Ian:Comix, correct?


Webcom: What is that about, exactly?

It's an autobiographical comic based on conversations between my friends and myself.

Webcom: Besides your own, what is your favorite comic?

I don't really have a singular one. I like a ton of comics, all for different reasons. Too hard to pin down.

Webcom: Where does most of your inspiration come from for the comic?

Which comic? :)

Webcom: RPGWorld

Ah, well the inspiration is from the videogame source material that I'm parodying, but the plot comes from my imagination.

Webcom: What is your favorite RPG

Chrono Trigger

Webcom: What RPG has it taken you longest to beat?

heh, that's a tough question because I play games VERY casually

I'll start playing and them take maybe a whole year for a break

Webcom: Same here, same here.

Which is why I've finished two RPGS ever, and I own about 13


I also don't liek to finish games

because it's like finishing a really good book

Webcom: Wrecks it for ya.

I get sad because it's over. :\

Webcom: Like finishing good food sorta. Of course, that's an advantage of RPG's. Many of them have awesome replay value.


Webcom: What is your favorite Nex-Gen system?


tough question because I like games, not systems

Webcom: Valid point.

but I'll have to say the GameCube because I'm interested in it, and I'll follow Sonic Team!

Webcom: Sonic Teams rules. Plus, with Nintendo and SquareSoft working together again, it should be beautiful.


Webcom: Well, thanks Ian.

no prob

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