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Interview with Trendarth

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Webcom: Trendarth, you do Zen4Lamers, a brand new comic

Webcom: Trendarth, you do Zen4Lamers, a brand new comic.  What's it like taking on the job of a comic author?


Trendarth: its ok, at first i thought that it would be easy as, but now i realise that people have to put a fair bit of effort in to be any good


Webcom: Is it harder drawing a new comic, or coming up with ideas?


Trendarth: id say drawing, because if i make a mistake, or smudge the ink, i have to start again. ideas are easier, i just make it up as i go.


Webcom: Is it hard to fit time to draw into your schedule?


Trendarth: well, im not exactly socially active (mores the pity), so i have plenty of time to draw, when im not on the internet


Webcom: Do your characters come from people you know in real life?


Trendarth: yes and no. Sam is based loosely on me, and i just made up Coombrae when i was drawing on a business account for a rest home. i thought "hey she looks cool. ill stick her in"


Webcom: A business account for a rest home?  Gave you the idea for her?  This worries me.


Trendarth: [laughs] i was just doodling , coz no one told me what to do, and the account was titled Coombrae


Webcom: Well, thats creative.  Any more characters coming up in the near future?


Trendarth: so meh


Trendarth: probably. 2 people cant really create that group dynamic, so i might slip in a few friends


Webcom: What gave you the idea to start a comic?


Trendarth: i was just screwing around the net, and came to the's articles page. They had links to little-gamers, penny arcade and 8-bit theater there, and i though, "i can do this" and just went from there


Webcom: Not as easy as it seems, though?


Trendarth: no


Trendarth: originally, i did a basic sprite strip, but didnt like it, so now i draw them, which is easier


Webcom: Who did your sprite strip evolve around?


Trendarth: me. im an egotistical bastard


Trendarth: it was just a plotless little comic, a gag-a-strip


Webcom: One panel, or multiple?


Trendarth: three.


Webcom: Finally, we'll get to the subject of video games.  What is your favorite?


Trendarth: i like more panel, you can develope things further


Trendarth: gah, i dont really play games, but i prefer rpg's. So i would have to say Star Ocean 2nd Story (PSX), or Final Fantasy 6 (on SNES)


Webcom: FF6 is definetely fun.


Trendarth: oh yeah. my mate got it on psx, but i like sprites better than cg


Webcom: Oh, in FF Anthology?


Trendarth: no, it has been re-released as a standalone game. oh, and i also like the Quest for Glory games


Webcom: Well, thanks trendarth. 


Trendarth: no prob