Ashen is seriously being organized and stuff. Dream has 4 more pages that are to be added asap. Look forward to them, they look great!
12-31-02 -- later that day
Finished up all the character profiles for Ashen. Now all i have to do is find an appropriate image for each of the characters. happy new years in 6 hours :P
Ashen is Up...The HTML skeleton at least...shut up....That history took a while to write...anwyay, if you look closely, I have one character Profile up...YAY! happy new years in 22.5 hours!
Finally found the stupid HTML for the guestbook. Look below, "hello guestbook". Cody began coloring character profile images for Ashen. Some will be up within the week.
All sections complete and have content! YATTA! Dream is being posted as we slowly pump out more..taking a lot of time for a sketchy quickie comic though O_O....oh well, as said in ABOUT section, "NO COMPLAINING!"
Redesigned the site again. This one is the best cause...its less complicated
Did the rollover. The first page of Escape from Black Forest is Done, but its being colored. Un-named comic by Cody's first issue should be done within the next week.
Made up all the graphics for the site. Pasted them together. and made this lil' place on the web...hope it doesnt suxor...Thats all I did. The links are empty...so...bleh.