Yami DDR
Ninja Muraki
Ninja Hisoka
Watari and Lai the FFIX Coerul
Hisoka and Lai the FFIX Coerul
Muraki Brand Tsuzuki Bate(tm)
If you couldn't tell, Muraki likes to pose
a lot
a whole lot
Late Night Bondage
Insert Your Own Joke Here
The Yaoi Paddle Mini-fight
More Fun with the Yaoi Paddle
Yet More Yaoi Paddle Fun
The Real Yaoi Paddle Fight which started with Muraki hideing behind a Sanzo
and then Gojyo got involved
but that didn't last very long
Harasen Vs. Yaoi Paddle
and you can see how it ended
"Hisoka . . . why is all the pocky gone?"
Touda found Muraki . . . WTF???
Gojyo found out quickly that you don't mess with Muraki
Muraki's even going after the voice actors now.
Watari and Hisoka had a great plan to distract Muraki and sneek up on him. Surly the 'baka stick' would be enought to bring him down . . . or not.
Watari tried to get Muraki to test his new formula . . .
. . . but it didn't work well.
Uke-bear love
Muraki wins.