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(and other comics coming soon)



2/20/02 Fred: Put up new comic (actually made comic a while ago but Zman and Redfox just told me that I didn't post it yet... sorry.) Thinking on adding a mailing list so that I will send out an e-mail informing those on it that there is an update to the site. Look for that on the next update. changed a few fonts too cuz i saw u can't really read them.

1/29/03 Fred: Added a new comic. realized only changed the background for this page so that's fixed too. 

1/21/03 Fred: Changed the theme of the whole website to having a background made by (with a little modifications by darkening it, the original can be found in "Other Stuff") figured out the comic number and posted the new comic. We are basically 20% of the way towards getting our own domain name for a year. (btw... if u want to by good shoes and you don't mind helpin out, click comics and then the shoebuy link , it's a really good company.) Updated links page for psyguy's page (now [I'm pretty sure that's right]). Btw, Zman's e-mail changed.

1/20/03 Fred: Posted new wallpaper courtesy of fireball20xl. Check it out on the other stuff page. I think I accidentally reset counter so the numbers are a bit off below. Created new comic that will be going up extremely shortly (would be up now but I don't know which number we're on so I can't put it at the top. I'll probably post again today when I find out.) Got rid of the Christmas banners wince it is like halfway through January. Also, I changed it so that all new news that shows up here will be red and the old news will be the author's color.

1/17/03 Fred: <very shocked> We actually have a fairly large amount of people. Made a new comic for people who just started visiting this site. Planning to get our own domain name very soon so our server doesn't go down like it did yesterday. When we do get a domain name, we'll keep this up for those people who don't want to remember the new one. (BTW, I'm planning to make like 3 more comics so check back in like half a week and they'll probably be up.)

1/4/03 Fred: New comics going up and new banner. Sorry I'm a bit late with adding the Christmas comics but I kept forgetting to hit the publish web page button (weak excuse but I'm sticking with it.) Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and New Year to everyone...

12/10/02 Zman:  This is a huge update! We are adding 4 new comics (made by Fred and I) and some other great stuff to this site.  We will be logging new updates from now on (reminder to Fred for other updates).  In our last update Redfox made a shockwave intro which you should check out if you haven't already.   We will probably not get up to many more comics before the holiday's, but we'll try. Have some great holiday's!!!!  

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You can e-mail any one of us with thoughts or something that isn't working (no sprites or any other junk)

(Zman) zmancele12@attbi

