
- Andromeda is the daughter of Attuma and Lady Gelva and was once a member of the Defenders and the Dragon of the Circle. Her original body was destroyed during a confrontation with Moondragon and the Dragon of the Moon but her spirit has since merged with the host body of Genevieve Cass. Andromeda uses a trident as her weapon of choice, and she is also very strong and agile.
- Andromeda came from a military family and always wished to live a soldier’s life. She was once a decorated commander in the Atlantian forces; but because she had been born a woman, she was denied honors and promotions due to the bigoted male rulership of her country. She eventually resigned her commission and took off for the surface world, where men and women fought side-by-side as equals. She specifically sought to join the Defenders just as her prince, Namor of Atlantis, did many years prior. Disguising herself as a surface human called Andrea McPhee, Andromeda posed as a runner and introducing herself to a fellow runner named Tony as a way to integrate herself into human society so that she could forge credit cards and IDs based on his. At a big party, she encountered the villain Hotspur , who caused everyone in the club to dance as he moved throughout the room and slashed people with his clawed gloves. He and Andromeda got into a fight, but Hotspur managed to escape by creating an illusion that he had burned her face off with fire shot from his eyes and mouth. She later aided the Defenders against him at Central Park, where he was defeated.
- Andromeda has since returned to Atlantis and is now serving as a representative of the common people in Namor’s Council of Three, along with Namorita and Warlord Seth. This council’s purpose is to rule in Namor’s place should he ever vanish during a crisis.
- The Defenders Vol.1#143, 146-147, 149-152
- Strange Tales Vol.2#5-7
- Dr. Strange Vol.3#3-4
- Iron Man Annual#10
- X-Factor Annual#4
- Avengers West Coast Annual#4
- Thor Annual#14
- Fantastic Four Annual#22
- Damage Control Vol.1#3-4
- Marvel Comics Presents#121
- Namor Vol.1#52-53, 55, 58-62
- The Defenders Vol.2#11