- Bloodaxe was Jackie Lukas, an architect and close friend of Eric Masterson, a.k.a. Thunderstrike. She possessed an Asgardian axe that was formerly used by the deceased Thor villain, the Executioner.
- Jackie first appeared as herself in THOR#392, but she first appeared as Bloodaxe in THOR#449 when she came across the Executioner's axe in the apartment shared by Susan Austen, another of Eric Masterson's close friends, and Leena Moran, who was actually the Enchantress in human disguise. Taken over by the evil spirit that resided within the enchanted axe, Jackie became a vigilante and brutally attacked criminals in the name of justice. She was opposed continuously by Thunderstrike, but she was unaware the entire time that he was actually Eric Masterson, the man that she loved. Eventually, when she discovered Thunderstrike's true identity, Jackie distanced herself from Eric, but she later re-started their relationship after Eric, as Thunderstrike, stepped in front of flying debris during a battle and saved her life. Unfortunately, things between them ended after Thunderstrike defeated Jackie (as Bloodaxe) in battle and handed her over to the police.
- Jackie was last seen in THUNDERSTRIKE#25, where she went to the grave of Eric Masterson, who died tragically in spiritual combat against the Bloodaxe entity, who had taken over Eric after Thunderstrike had chosen to use the axe in battle.
- SIDE NOTE: I totally enjoyed the mystery of Bloodaxe! I'm a sucker for guessing the secret identities of mystery villains, and the story of Bloodaxe was certainly no exception. The suspects were plentiful, too. At first, I believed, along with several other readers, that Dr. Paretsky was secretly Bloodaxe. Other people thought that Bobby Steele was the culprit. But, as time went on, and after I re-read the issues, I figured out that Bloodaxe was actually Jackie Lukas around eight issues before Bloodaxe's true identity was finally unveiled. Heck, looking back, everyone should have known the truth from the start: Jackie Lukas was the only supporting player present in THOR#449, the very issue that Bloodaxe was born!
- Thor#392-393, 409, 413, 416, 423, 427, 431-432, 435-437, 444, 449-453, 455-456
- Thunderstrike#1, 9, 11-12, 15-19, 21-24