
- Casino’s real name and history are known only to herself, and she isn’t talking. She is a freelance trouble-shooter for hire and is also a psychic tracker who uses tarot cards to find people. Casino is an extremely skilled, enhanced hand-to-hand combatant who uses razor-sharp throwing cards, a special dagger, and explosive dice as weapons. Because of a bad experience she had during her career, Casino totally hates being stuck in traffic behind vans, trucks, and jeeps. “Anything that serial killers and deranged football stars like to drive,” she once said.
- In her first appearance, Casino was hired by the Dragon Fang, a crime cartel who had taken over Hypersonic, a consumer electronics company owned by Lela Cho, alias Tech of the Solution. The Dragon Fang wanted Casino to capture Lela and bring her back to them. During an attempt to kidnap Lela, Casino cost Troy Wilde, alias Solution member Dropkick, his eyes. Another Solution member Aera, a sorceress, used Aerwan magic to wipe Casino’s memory clean of the entire event (thereby making her forget her mission to kidnap Lela Cho) and deposited her in London (also via her magic).
- Casino’s next mission was once again for the Dragon Fang cartel. Because the Solution was interfering in their business, the Dragon Fang wanted Casino to lead their group of enforcers (codenamed Dragonfire) to destroy them. When the members of the Dragonfire refused to let a woman lead them, Casino offered to step down as leader if, and only if, any one of them defeated her in combat. She proceeded to defeat and humiliate their representative in hand-to-hand combat.
- During her mission for the Dragon Fang, Casino once again encountered Lela Cho, the leader of the Solution. Although Lela remembered who Casino was because of their last meeting, Casino had no knowledge of Lela, thanks to Aera's spell. She only knew about Lela because of the information that the Dragon Fang provided for her at the beginning of the mission. After a tussle, Casino captured Lela and injected her with a psychoactive drug. She was about to kill Lela when Lela’s teammate Dropkick, whose lost eyes had been replaced by ocular enhancements, interrupted her and took her on in hand-to-hand combat. The fight went to a stalemate, but Casino managed to escape capture using gas-filled casino dice.
- In her final appearance to date, Casino was hired by an unnamed man who wanted her to kill Mr. Alphonso, the head of a crack dealing cartel. After she agreed to take the case, Casino shot the unnamed man in the head, killing him. It turned out that she had been hired by the same Mr. Alphonso to kill the unnamed man for stealing some of his money. However, in a strange twist, Casino decided to kill Mr. Alphonso because the unnamed man had given her enough money to do it. Since she always finished a job, it is reasonable to assume that Casino went back to see Mr. Alphonso to inform him of her success and then killed him after she finished her report.
- NOTE: Casino is another favorite Ultraverse character of mine. She was one nasty customer, and she had a great look! If she is ever brought into the Marvel Universe, I think she'd make a good addition to some version of the Masters of Evil!
- The Solution#7-8, 14-17
- Ultraverse Premiere#10