Cassie Merrick
- Cassie Merrick was a crime lord who operated in Central City. Literally nothing is known about her background and how she became a crime lord. With her riches, Cassie funded the Road Warriors, a biker gang consisting of men who had been transformed into cyborgs by Celestial technology via an unnamed benefactor. With this benefactor, Cassie sent the Road Warriors after the Blood Brothers, a rival gang. X-51 The Machine Man got involved, further complicating matters. However, the Road Warriors all mutated into cybernetic monstrosities and were eventually destroyed by the Celestials, who had come to Earth to kidnap X-51.
- Cassie also had a bodyguard named Marko, who was quite a big dude. The unnamed benefactor transformed Marko into a cyborg, just as he did all of the Road Warriors, and then he had Marko seemingly kill Cassie Merrick when she tried to end their affiliation.
- NOTES: The benefactor was never named, but I think he may have been a messenger for the Celestials since he used Celestial technology to enhance Marko and the Road Warriors. Speaking of Marko, when I first read the story, I thought that Marko may have been Man-Mountain Marko, an old Spider-Man villain, but that proved to be false. Personally, I totally enjoyed the X-51 series. The art by Joe Bennett was fantastic, and the stories were very interesting. I remember that I always got excited whenever a new issue hit the stands. It’s too bad the series didn’t make it past twelve issues. Oddly enough, X-51 has never been seen since, having gone off into space with the Celestials.
- X-51#10-11