Death Sting
- Death Sting is Miranda Rand, the sister of Daniel Rand, alias the super-hero Iron Fist. She was seemingly killed years ago by the H’ylthri, a race of plant people residing outside of K'un-Lun, a mystical city that exists in another dimesion. In reality, Miranda had survived her supposed demise and was actually enslaved by the H'ylthri.
- In her first appearance as Death Sting, Miranda hired Sidewinder II to steal the Zodiac Key from SHIELD. After he failed (and died in the attempt), Miranda duped her brother Iron Fist into stealing the Key for her. She framed Joy Meachum as Death Sting to throw her brother off the trail, but that ploy eventually failed. Miranda attempted to use the key to revive the H'ylthri, but when the H'ylthri leader, Sss'lethcott, tried to kill her brother, Miranda used the key to destroy Sss'lethcott and the H'ylthri pods. Miranda seemingly perished in the explosion.
- Miranda Rand, alias, Death Sting was last seen being rescued by the crewmen of a boat, having been restored to life thanks to a special life-giving elixir found in the H'ylthri pods. Iron Fist is unaware of this.
- What can be said about Death Sting? I thought she was a totally awesome character that was connected to a great Marvel hero, Iron Fist. Dan Jurgens did good pulling Miranda Rand out of obscurity (and death) and making her Death Sting. Not only that, but he dressed her up in one of Scorpio's old costumes! Miranda looks better in that outfit than Scorpio ever did that is for sure! She even used the Zodiac Key! Damn! What a woman! I'd love to see Death Sting again. Since she's still alive, it's a minor possibility, although it must be noted that, since she was freed from enslavement by the H'ylthri, Miranda is her own woman again, one who regrets her actions against her brother.
- Iron Fist Vol.1#2
- Iron Fist Vol.3#1-3