Lindsay McCabe
- Lindsay McCabe is a friend and former roommate of Spider-Woman Jessica Drew. She is a former actress and private investigator who operated out of Madripoor for a time.
- She first encountered Jessica Drew at the Hatros Institute For Emotional Research. Jessica attended group therapy sessions at the Institute in order to discover whether or not other people’s aversions to her was the result of a psychological reaction to the spider-blood coursing through her veins or if it was because of some psychological flaw within herself. During one of the sessions, the therapist asked the group to pair up for an activity. Normally Jessica ended up getting stuck with whoever was left, but this time she ended up with Lindsay McCabe, who specifically chose her as a partner. As the session progressed, Jessica noted and found it odd that Lindsay was the first woman who didn’t seem to dislike her. However, still weary, Jessica put off starting any kind of friendship with her, even when Lindsay later commented about how she thought that she and Jessica made good partners the last time they were in group therapy together.
- Things between Jessica and Lindsay improved during another one of their group sessions when Jessica became overwhelmed by everyone’s demands for her to open up to them further (she didn’t want to do this because she didn’t want them to know about her life as Spider-Woman). It was Lindsay who stuck up for Jessica, and she also told off the other members in the group. Afterwards, Lindsay took Jessica to her apartment at the Colden House, where Jessica finally opened up to Lindsay and enjoyed her first long conversation with another woman, a conversation that ignited a close, long-term friendship.
- One of Lindsay’s more notable adventures happened in SPIDER-WOMAN#48, where she attended a party hosted by a Spider-Woman adversary called Gypsy Moth, who at the time led a hedonistic cult of drugs and decadence. Jessica Drew managed to save the drugged Lindsay and free her from Gypsy Moth’s influence before any serious harm had befallen her best friend.
- At some point, the demonic Void-Eater captured Jessica and trapped her within its dimension. Lindsay contacted Jillian Woods, the occult investigator known as Sepulcre, in hopes that Jillian would help her find Jessica. Joined by Spider-Woman Julia Carpenter, Lindsay and Julia were transported by Jillian to the Void-Eater’s dimension. They were attacked by the demonic creature but were saved by Jessica Drew, who had been awakened by a spell cast by Sepulcre, a spell that also managed to restore all of Jessica’s lost Spider-Woman powers to her. The three ladies then escaped the Void-Eater’s dimension through Sepulcre’s portal.
- Lindsay hasn’t been seen in the Marvel Universe for a long time since the incident with the Void-Eater. However, Jessica Drew has since returned to her Spider-Woman alias and is now a member of the New Avengers, so there is hope that Lindsay will soon reappear in Jessica’s life.
- Spider-Woman Vol.1#14, 17, 19, 21-22, 24-25, 34-38, 40-45, 47-50
- Avengers Vol.1#240
- West Coast Avengers Vol.1#1
- Uncanny X-Men#203, 206
- Wolverine Vol.2#1-11, 14-16, 27
- Spectacular Spider-Man Annual 1996