Princess Python
- Princess Python is Zelda DuBois, a woman who uses trained pythons in her crimes. Mostly a snake charmer, Zelda is a former member of the Circus of Crime and was once the lover of the Ringmaster. She also used to be a member of the Serpent Squad, the Serpent Society, Superia’s Femizons, and the Masters of Menace.
- Zelda has had quite a career in crime as a member of the Ringmaster’s Circus of Crime, fighting against such heroes as Spider-Man and various members of the Avengers. She even fought against Howard the Duck during the time that she and the Circus performed at private parties in order to steal from the guests. She once quit the Circus to join the Sidewinder’s Serpent Society, but she later deserted the team. Sidewinder managed to capture and torture her, and then he sent her back to the Circus, who took her back into their fold.
- In her last known appearance, in DEATHLOK VOL.3#9 (my favorite Princess Python issue from where the above image was taken), Zelda took a new look and broke into the Ringmaster’s hotel room, slipping past his security without difficulty. During this period, the Ringmaster was running for President of the United States as candidate Martin Thraller. When he found Zelda in his room, the Ringmaster was displeased and told her that he had little time for past liaisons. He even threatened to use hypnosis on her, but Zelda boldly reminded him that his power never worked on her or any of his other old Circus crew. She then demanded money from him or she would go to anyone who would listen and tell them that Martin Thraller, Presidential candidate, was actually the Ringmaster. He agreed to pay her off without even thinking about the matter, citing that money wasn’t an issue for him.
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1#22
- Avengers Vol.1#22
- Thor Vol.1#145-147
- Avengers Vol.1#60
- Thor Vol.1#173
- Iron Man Vol.1#50
- Daredevil Vol.1#118
- Captain America Vol.1#180-181
- Power Man#24-25
- Howard the Duck#25-27
- Super-Villain Team-Up#8-9
- Incredible Hulk#217
- Marvel Two-In-One#76
- Incredible Hulk#292
- Captain America Vol.1#309-311, 313, 315, 318
- She-Hulk Vol.2#1
- Captain America Vol.1#389-392
- Marvel Comics Presents#97, Blaze Vol.#2 5-8, Spider-Man Team-Up#5, Thunderbolts#2, Generation X#32, Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1998
- Incredible Hulk#470-471
- Deathlok Vol.3#9