- The Weird Sisters are Charm, Truth, and Beauty, also known as Charlene, Nina, and Beatrice respectively. Nothing is known of their history prior to their first appearance in QUASAR#20 other than that they are the thralls of Maelstrom.
- Charm has the ability to create poisonous tentacles all over her body.
- Truth has the ability to inhibit the mental powers of others, and she can also transform her arms into swords.
- Beauty has the ability to produce a blinding white light that makes her unseen to those who lay their eyes upon her. She is also a shapeshifter and can teleport as well.
- The Weird Sisters were first seen in QUASAR#20, where they were a part of a large convoy of super-humans who had once been captives on the lab world of the enigmatic Stranger. They managed to return to their master, the villainous Maelstrom, and took on guises as his nieces in order to ambush Quasar, Moondragon, and several others. Various times the Weird Sisters took on Moondragon in combat and nearly overcame her, but the baldheaded telepath managed to defeat them each time, most notably in QUASAR#25. Maelstrom himself was killed in the same issue.
- Sometime later, in FANTASTIC FOUR UNLIMITED#10, the Weird Sisters attempted to bring their master Maelstrom back from the dead. With the help of Maelstrom's Minions, they managed to succeed, but when Maelstrom discovered that he was feeding off the energies of his son, Ransak, he stopped what he was doing and basically vanished.
- Quasar#20-23,25
- Fantastic Four Unlimited#10