The Fearsome Four is Victor Von Doom's superhuman strike force. The team is made up of Doom himself; Valeria, his wife; Kristoff, his son; and the grotesque It. From their castle in New Latveria, Doom and his family control a large section of Europe. They are the most powerful group of super Sapiens on the planet and are consindered royalty by human standards.
Used primarily by Victor to keep his country safe and to demonstrate his dominance over his people, the Fearsome Four is also upon by Magneto as a first strike weapon against other super-humans across the world. Many in the human community question why a man like Von Doom would allow himself to be controlled by Magneto. The reality is that the two of them cannot stand each other, but neither has been able to prevail over the other.
The Invincible Woman
The Inhuman Torch
The It