Led by Luke Cage, the Human Resistance Movement has only recently made the transition from underground criminal organization to freedom fighters. This group's original goal was to control Hell's Kitchen, and it has succeeded. Now, realizing humankind is fighting over the crumbs of their crumbling world, Cage has created a new mission for himself and his gang - to strike back against the mutants and reestablish humans in this world. With Sapiens on the edge of extinction, it appears as if this is going to be an impossible task, but Cage and his Resistance Movement seem equal to it. Whether they can truly make a difference in a world with as much mutant firepower as this one is doubtful.
Luke Cage
Black Cat
Iron Fist
Marc Spector
Misty Knight
White Tiger
Bob Diamond
Abe Brown
Lin Sun
Lotus Shincheko
Layla Miller