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Princess the Pirate?

One of my friends Princess (thats his nick name) one day became a pirate that would never be forgotten. His eye patch was a pair of sunglasses with one lense out. He began his piracy in Carroll County. He said that he hid his booty in a school. This has led to many of people looking for it. Doesn't this make you feel stupid leaving in a county where a kid thinks he is a pirate it sure makes me feel stupid. We have put him in rehab we hope he comes out "pirateless". (No offense Maddox)

The Interview

We finally got a chance to interview Princess. One thing he hated about being a pirate was that he has a feeling in his peg leg that he can't get rid of. Also,that he has the taste of salt in his mouth. When asked how many of the seven seas he sailed he said he sailed 6.5 because he was attacked by the lochness monster (coincidently isn't a sea). He has a wonderful diet of nails. He never actually walked the plank. But he did make his mom walk the plank. Also, when he jumped on the booty one time he was slapped because his grandmother didn't like it alot.