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2nd May 2006
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I am the One Eyed Pony!

Dave: Well what to say, I’ve been slaving like a trooper over the second bank holiday.

 Between working 2 jobs, Uni and drawing comics I actually have no life…. No don’t

laugh… No really stop it…… Wankers. 

          Anyway, it’s been a busy few weeks what with one thing and another.

Got 2 new fish, silver sharks I have dubbed Jaws 1 and Jaws 2, considering getting a

rainbow shark called Jaws the Revenge but we’ll see. 

           And as far as anything else goes the only thing to comment on is the footy,

a hearty shout of come on you Reds, Gunners and Boro, goes out to the 2 Successful

English European club sides and to Nottingham forest who could be in the playoffs this

time next week COME ON!!!!!! 

I shall be back to regale you with stories of drunken mischief no doubt but not in the

 very near future so enjoy the comic and could some one actually e-mail me with a

 comment about it as I haven’t had one single comment about any of my comics

ever! Not pleased. Right then I’m off to see a man about a can of lager see yas.


Davey B and the stocker flats massive.



Hayd: Not often I rant on the end of someone else (sorry Dave), but A: The webcomic piss-up was

awesome and the comics I saw were great and B: We're officially going to the download

festival in Donnington park in June COME ON!!!! (if we ever get this freaking work finished

that is)



©Universally Challenged, Designs, Characters, Ideas and Other Content is owned and copyrighted by Haydn Cartwright and Dave Ball.(2005-2006)

Cartoons By Haydn Cartwright and Dave Ball, Scripts By Dave Ball, Haydn Cartwright

Website design by Mike Holmes ©2005. Questions, queries and suggestions to Many thanks for that dude.

Universally Challenged logo designed by Sarah Maguire. Thanks 'sis :)