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5th June 2006
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Report: Nothing to Report

Dave:  My my what to say, what an eventful week I has been…

Okay I’m lying I’ve done bugger all in the build up to the big

 festival. That’s right me and the big man are off on tour, to

Donington (which granted is only 15 miles) but it’s a tour and a

much needed break none the less. So unless we can get a guest

script for it we shall have no or meagre offerings for next week

(sorry). (Update: As of now next weeks strip will be filled by

my boy Wonko from the always awesome Zombie Town

Comic - Hayd)

             I have however purchased new fish; I shall take photos of

 all the boys and get Haydn to put them on the site soon. In less random

 news I have also drawn a lonely Kev back ground, it just remains for Mr C

to do the easy bit ; ) And colour it.

        Well that’s it, I’m off to see how many bolts I can shoot into Peter

crouches flesh before he stops insisting on trying to be a robot.


See yas!!




©Universally Challenged, Designs, Characters, Ideas and Other Content is owned and copyrighted by Haydn Cartwright and Dave Ball.(2005-2006)

Cartoons By Haydn Cartwright and Dave Ball, Scripts By Dave Ball, Haydn Cartwright

Website design by Mike Holmes ©2005. Questions, queries and suggestions to Many thanks for that dude.

Universally Challenged logo designed by Sarah Maguire. Thanks 'sis :)